LIGHTS !!! Among Us Lights Tutorial Guide ! How To Sabotage Lights ! How To Fix Lights in Among Us !

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Among Us how to fix lights . How to sabotage lights in among us . among us lights tutorial guide . among us how to fix lights among us how to sabotage lights . tutorial guide for among us lights . how to turn off lights among us .
Hope you find this Among Us Lights Guide useful! 🙂 Ive got a more complicated tutorial in the works for next time..
13th its 3am already
I need to do this more often
0:16 on the right a person turned into a dead guy
I love these tutorials keep up the great videos 😀
I needed this. I always screw this up. <3
As the Impostor:
To turn off lights, press the button with a lightning bolt
Make sure the lights are actually off by looking to make sure the percentage is zero
Don't immediately kill someone after turning off lights
Do try to kill someone as soon as possible
As a crewmate:
To fix lights, go to electrical box and flip all switches until they're green
Stay on top of another player/group of players to stay safe and rule out the imposter
Cameras still work when the lights are off, so use that to find impostor (keep in mind you'll be vulnerable while doing this)
Thanks for the tips 😀
Wow well explained with great tips!
Lol who else is name Marcus
Hello marcusk
Should I sub to u
I find these tutorials extremely irritating. As soon as I start the video, my brain goes "nah, fuck this, lets reminisce on all of our previous remotely relevant experiences instead of paying attention to this shit." Then the video ends and I realize I haven't heard a single word after the first 10 seconds. Literally have to watch them 3-4 times before I manage to grasp all of the information.
Your voice is relaxing, reminds me of airline announcements.
HEY!when I sabotage my lights as imp my vision gets lower too welp
and here i am thinking mira hq is minerals
Thankyou boi 🙂
Can you speak more clearly so that non native speaker can understand easily?
Played for 6 hours and never knew imposter could fix lights
If you have to stand still to sabotage and can’t move while sabotaging, don’t move instantly after doing a sabotage, it’s less sus.
I appreciate how you get right into the tutorial 🙂
When stack killing, you will usually appear on the top of the crowd. To solve this. Just walk into the crown once again when you finishes the job.
Thanks dude
Somebody thought I was the impostor I didn’t know what I was doing lol
ur voice is like the air hosts or when their is air announcement
Tip for stack killing:
When stack killing move to the wall and kill while doing it. You won't show at the top of the body but make sure that there's at least 2 other people there to cover you. I did this once and everyone started to vote out each other lol.
Not necessarily lights but the reactor sabotage on the Skeld map.
When there's 4 of you guys left (you're the only impostor) and you are sure that they'll vote you out next. Sabotage reactor right after a meeting and kill the crew who waits at the cafe (make sure other crew are gone so they can't report the body). When the other crewmates fix the reactor, lock both upper and lower engine, wait for it to show the cooldown (that means the doors have opened) and lock the cafe doors, by doing this you're preventing the crewmates from finding the body and pressing the emergency button and by the time they get to cafe your kill cooldown will be done and you can kill one of them to win. This works if the kill cooldown is on 30 seconds or less.
This youtube channel is underrated
Hey thx
every time it says to fix the lights i go to electrical but its not there
Thank you I just sabotage my own city light
Want to play with you
When I sabotage lights I killed someone and got away with it
What does it mean to prejack lights
Thank u very much,and ur voice reminds me of airplane announcements by pilots
everyone keeps voting me off cause I don't fix the lights so thanks for making this vid
Question : if someone dies during lights and it gets reported, why do the people in lobby say we have a free shot?
Why is it a free shot?
who does not know to sabotage lights btw?