Mira HQ Map Guide – Among Us

Jack Benci
Views: 45061
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A big thank you to Zombie Rummager for his permission to make a similar style video! You can find it here:
Here is my commentated overview of MIRA HQ, along with some comments on the rooms of the maps, tips and tricks and some advice on winning your games!
(Yes this video is longer than the Polus one… Don’t question it lol)
Introduction – 0:00
General Overview – 0:30
Launchpad – 2:22
Medbay – 5:24
Communications – 7:09
Locker Room/Decontainmentation – 10:23
Reactor – 11:51
Laboratory – 14:13
Cafeteria – 16:54
Balcony – 18:51
Storage/Hallway Speel – 20:08
Admin – 23:31
Greenhouse – 24:26
Office – 24:56
Imposter Mechanics – 25:40
Conclusion – 27:40
Have a few ideas, or wish to join in a few games. The discord can be found here!
For any and all business inquiries, reach me at [email protected]!
A great way to confirm people is to watch people feel the engines, noone else can perform tasks before someone finishes drilling the ship, so it's basically like doing medbay scan with visuals off
The divert power is a task I only got it once so it’s probably rare
20 percent of comments: I love Mira!
The other 80 percent: DivErt pOWer to laUNchpAd is Reel
Yes there is a divert power to Launchpad task
So I feel like I am the only dumb new Mira HQ player who was ordering 3 random drinks at the vending machine to complete the task and sometimes wondered "why doesn't the task complete"
4:34 I've had that task a couple of times
ayy my favourite map
Everybody:You have to come back after 100 sec after clicking the button
Me:confused and clicks 100 times
Actually, the holloween skin DOES change things. There is a kinda hiding place being the candles in reactor if ur white.
Got a double kill in green house last night
Yes, the divert power to launchpad is a thing. There was a time where o2 got sabotaged and when I fixed it I saw the arrow leading to launchpad and sure enough, it’s the small thing that you were confused at whether it existed or not.
hard disagree with your opinion on comms sabotage, a person on admin table can very easily find out whether or not a kill is a possible frame since they will not only see the number of people in a room that a person gets killed in but they will also see the person venting away. before i try to frame someone i tend to sabotage comms because of that.
For most people, the most forgotten map
Me: It's my favorite map.
Like this comment if it's also your favorite map
I don't know why people hate this map. It's my favorite one.
The "divert power to" task that starts at reactor goes to anywhere with that post and the rectangle on it: So yes, Divert Power to Launchpad is a task.
Me: already is pro at Mira HQ
MIRA HQ is the first place on my favorite maps
Polus – 2nd place
The Skeld – 3rdPlace (because i know how to do all the tasks and i know everything, including vents)
in launchpad theres no divert power task
24:26 u forgot to mention there's a vent behind the o2 fix most people miss
Personally I love this map but it is the weakest out of the three mostly because of its sucky security system. I hate the doorlog it doesnt help me at all I rather have cameras, but I love the tasks
the divert power system in the impostor hotspot is not a task
well i like MIRA HEADCORNERS/MIRA HQ but wen i have 0 more task what to do?i do not like going to coms so what to do ? plz give me tips
The launchpad divert power IS a task
7:54 i don't thing this is a limit to it but only i comms are sabotaged, the log gets cleared
5:58 hey you have the universal donor blood!
Me when i play free play: *puts all tasks to prove im innocent*
"Balcony murders arent common"
Thats like, one of the most dangerous places in Mira
Plus reactor and lab in my opinion are terrible places to kill cause you can't let ANYONE see you go in with a another person. Or they going to know it was just you and them, or that a group of 4 came in so it has to be one of them. I've tried killing in reactor or lab, most of the time it gets me caught, and no one saw me vent or kill, they just deduce that its me.
You also have to return to launchpad for divert power
I was trying to find out how to play Mira in R6 so I searched Mira guide and get this 💀
5:33 (me, who is obsessed with this task bcuz I relate it to another game)
1:12The huge gap between launchpad and cafeteria is to Prevent people who call emergency meetings at the beginning of the game for no reason
My favorite strat is to sabotage o2 then go to the keypad at the bottom of the map and wait for someone to come
The hallways on the way to cafeteria kind of look like the hallways that all the classrooms were in in my old school
This map is a utter pain in my butt when I'm a imposter
The map is too lean and tall for me, people can easily see me
There's barely anywhere to wander without looking sus
And it's really hard to lie since people can easily see where you are and what you're been doing
Used to be a skeld girl (We all did) but my friends didn’t like it so I half-learned polus, and then tried mira and I LOVED IT! The vent system is heavenly…my new friend plays skeld and doesn’t let us do other maps, but when i vent i get confused cause i try and go from like resctor to medbay
Thanks I really don't know how MiraHQ looks well but I am a pro in skeld as I have lost only 1 game as an impostor and 67 games as a crewmate.and I have won 408 times.now I will try to play on MIRA BTW
I honestly love this map. It’s so fun to have all the plays, it’s so unlike anything else
Woah this man deserves way more subs
God this man deserves more subs
The skeld Mirahq polus and airship
There's actually four maps in among us airship is coming soon on 2021
My strategy in this map is,Lets says I was in north and I wanted to vent(this is and imposter strategy)I Trigger the door log then vent to Southeast,wait a few seconds,vent out then trigger that door log and if someone is on door logs they would think i just walked there
Mira HQ has security cameras everywhere
Here's a simple Divert Power Guide for newcomers
I have versions in Skeld and Polus too,so go check those out
The Divert Power Locations are LaunchPad,Medbay,Communications,Laboratory,Cafeteria,Office,Admin and Greenhouse.
The area to Divert the Power is in Reactor
If you see anyone go to a divert power location before heading to Reactor,you know what to do,Call a meeting!
That's basically it because there's no download data in this map
Edit:There's actually just 1 more thing I want to talk about
Once 02 gets sabatoged,I fell like a lot of people don't know where the second 02 panel is,
The first one,as you probably know if you've been in a game where oxygen got sabatoged,Is in Greenhouse
The second one is in the hall connecting Launchpad and Medbay,Comms
It's at the beginning of the picture hall
the diagnostics task a Launchpad is 90 sec not 100
I can say that I'm gonna use these tips and tricks to my adVENTage!
the dropship task is real I had it
medbay is not the only visual task there is the dish on balcony