Mira HQ Map Guide – Among Us

Jack Benci
Views: 45061
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A big thank you to Zombie Rummager for his permission to make a similar style video! You can find it here:
Here is my commentated overview of MIRA HQ, along with some comments on the rooms of the maps, tips and tricks and some advice on winning your games!
(Yes this video is longer than the Polus one… Don’t question it lol)
Introduction – 0:00
General Overview – 0:30
Launchpad – 2:22
Medbay – 5:24
Communications – 7:09
Locker Room/Decontainmentation – 10:23
Reactor – 11:51
Laboratory – 14:13
Cafeteria – 16:54
Balcony – 18:51
Storage/Hallway Speel – 20:08
Admin – 23:31
Greenhouse – 24:26
Office – 24:56
Imposter Mechanics – 25:40
Conclusion – 27:40
Have a few ideas, or wish to join in a few games. The discord can be found here!
For any and all business inquiries, reach me at [email protected]!
I feel like i'm the only one who actually likes all three maps. I feel like Skeld is a pretty good map, MIRA HQ just outclasses it in every way, and Polus is very different, but still really fun. (and outclasses it too but in different ways lol)
My ranking is 3) Skeld 2) Polus 1) Mira
Edit: Thought i'd explain my reasoning.
The skeld is so vanilla, and most tasks are in the other maps. The doors are the most annoying on this map, and it has the most visual tasks. It's easy to kill here
Polus is also easy to kill, but the vents don't have an animation, the doors are cool. I really like just the asthetic, and how there's an open area where you can't see vents on admin, and vitals can be annoying, but only in midgame. It also has better security.
Mira has the interconnected vents, no doors, it's really hard to kill, and it has the doorlog.
Divert Power to Launchpad is a Task yeah.
I can confirm that Launchpad can have Power diverted there from Reactor 4:32
I think that with visual tasks, you should be able to set the number if animations are on
i tortured ferrets for a few solid minutes by disabling comms… don't sell the sabotage too short 😌
5:33 Wait can’t you also do asteroids on the balcony?
Yes finally the best map
Comms sabotage is super underrated because it disables so many things that the crew can use to spot impostors and fellow crew members.
Why does this have a dislike!? This vid is awesome!
That divert power task in launchpad is an actual task 🙂
If your imposter and you manage to turn lights off quick enough people won't see somebody scan and wouldn't check most likely because they're going to go fix lights
There is another task at the start of the map, it is finishing diverting power, which starts in reactor, which you werent sure was a task or not, hope this helped!
Hey can you do a vid on who Elis Loris is? All the servers in America were hacked by her and I would like to know who they are, as well as how to fight back.
Yes there can be a "divert power to launchpad" i have had it a couple of times
If your in the late game and have your tasks done, medbay is the best spot to be at
Once I played MIRA and uhh using the admin map I’ve found like, 2 bodies on launchpad while there was only me and two other people alive. (Let’s say I’m red, someone is purple and someone is white.)
Purple was in admin with me for a while. Was obviously white, lol
it is 4:44
4 minutes ago
Am i here early?
I can confirm, the Divert power task is an actual task. I have had it before so yes it is a task. You also can be send to launchpad by diverting other power from other rooms
I don't know if it's a glitch, but as impostor you can spawn in the launchpad vent.
You missed one thing: There are two confirms on this map… sort of. At the start if you see someone do fuel immediately and the task bar goes up, they're confirmed. It's certain. There are no other tasks nearby that move the task bar immediately. Diagnostics doesn't move the task bar until you come back 100 seconds later, or on a future round, and redirect power is the second part of a task that starts in Reactor. There's a decent window of time to get confirmed by doing refuel immediately at the start of the game.
“No actual impact on gameplay”
Candle hiding spot: am i a joke to you?
In launch pad their is a divert power task
Not to brag but I memorized the entire layout
Tip for any map: if there’s only 3 crewmates and 2 imposters say u have medbay scan and then get a kill then u win
They need to make a map on a submarine and on a train/landship
Launchpad has a divert but you have to go to reactor first.
Mira HQ is my 3rd favorite map
It is task. I had it before
I think this map is the easiest to get away with kills because of the vents being connected and one of the vents being behind the green house thing. I've been able to get away with
venting in front of someone.
divert power to launchpad is a task
My fave map!
Get ready for a new map tho
Fun fact: you don’t have to do the crystals in laboratory from bottom to top.
do a map guide about eht dleks
I never know where the sensors wher. I thought they were just glitches as u walked over them
Really have to disagree about the comms sabotage. Doorlogs and admin are crazy good on this map; they’re probably crew’s best tools. Sabotaging them can be super useful to the point I might say it’s the best sabotage option. Not to mention it’s the hardest to fix so it’ll probably be out a little longer on average.
Don’t forget the vent behind the tree in the greenhouse
I love mira and skeld
It took me 1 month to realize how to security system works
I love this map 🙂
on the launch pad divert power yes that is real
The reason everyone doesn't like this map is because Imposters will just spam Reactor. It takes so long to get there for crewmates. The only counter is for someone to hang back and press the Emergency button to teleport everyone, but you can do that only so many times.
The divert power at spawn is a fake task btw
The divert power is a task, it’s the only one other then run diagnostic that you have to go back to later
"Thats the only reason people come back to launchpad."
Gets chased all the way through Mira HQ and dies in Launchpad
It's the third map I don't like
Honestly, Mira is the best map because it’s the most balanced, the entire crew is confirmed instantly on Skeld ( FOUR VISUAL TASKS ) and Polus is so big a task win is nearly impossible
Dude this might sound really weird but your voice is literally therapeutic