Mira HQ Map Guide – Among Us

Jack Benci
Views: 45061
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A big thank you to Zombie Rummager for his permission to make a similar style video! You can find it here:
Here is my commentated overview of MIRA HQ, along with some comments on the rooms of the maps, tips and tricks and some advice on winning your games!
(Yes this video is longer than the Polus one… Don’t question it lol)
Introduction – 0:00
General Overview – 0:30
Launchpad – 2:22
Medbay – 5:24
Communications – 7:09
Locker Room/Decontainmentation – 10:23
Reactor – 11:51
Laboratory – 14:13
Cafeteria – 16:54
Balcony – 18:51
Storage/Hallway Speel – 20:08
Admin – 23:31
Greenhouse – 24:26
Office – 24:56
Imposter Mechanics – 25:40
Conclusion – 27:40
Have a few ideas, or wish to join in a few games. The discord can be found here!
For any and all business inquiries, reach me at [email protected]!
I like the divert power!
Jack: U dont see balcony kills happen too oftenMe: A victim of a double kill on the balcony
4:45 yup there is a divert power task from reactor to launchpad.. pretty rarely does anyone get that tho
plsssssssssssssss do polus map to
oh yea bandanna
i love mira hq
I love your videos on Among Us. You make them so entertaining. If I was barely playing Among Us a couple days ago instead of two months ago, this guide would be incredible for me to use. Nice job
I didn’t say first
Going to be on a small hiatus as I work on the next video and study! Thank you for your understanding!
Also I do keep in touch with Zombie, would a collaboration of some sorts be interesting to you guys?
:berome: is coming