The Ultimate Guide to Hiding in Among Us

Views: 1885
Like: 156
This is the Ultimate Guide to hiding in Among Us, the only one you will ever need (at least until a new map comes out). It contains all the hiding spots in all locations on all maps and how to do them, this is helpful for impostors and crewmates. Hope you enjoy and find this useful! 😀 Lik and sub for more! :b
How do we blend tell me
I love the Mario Kart Wii Soundtracks, It takes me back to my childhood. I can listen to it all day, also check out his playlist of the soundtracks he uses
When is ur live lol !!!
Go off!
Hey dude
Edit : Btw thanks this was amazing!
Edit again : Btw to people saying Im not 7th or 6th check time difference
Edit again (Sorry For So Much Edits) – Ty for the heart it gave me a notification that you gave me a heart tysm ❤️
The music never gets old lol
Early squad 😀
Day 18 waiting for…
crewstoretectiveviceatumposteruhpogmoments 2 – I come back after hiding
hello when is your next live stream . also , please do it at 3 pm gmt if possible . i enjoy ur streams but am always unable to join . Ty !
hehehe funni 69 views
3:11 I am on mobile, so I can’t see the vent
umm, ngl the camo ones are not that good
I wanna see the next livestream ;O
They still find me!
Hey it's me your 7 subscriber do you remember me?
are you Plan123
Thank you for making it, I will do this too
These sports are OP
actually, on polus if you change color to white and hide in the corner of decom, you blend in and nobody can see you on admin table, as well as it being good for hide and seek because nobody goes there, and you have to ways to go in case an imposter is coming, both having fairly good hiding spots.
looks like these 3 thrusters behind the reactor is dancing with this music
Ah yes, how to embrace your anti socialism and hide even in a game. This is my favourite game mode.
helpful when playing hide n seek.
In the thumb put your caracter with the new visor
Verified youtuber with 180k and only 100 views. That really shows how dead among us is ;-;
You are the
thats good but what about the bodies hide in nav comms chair and shield some hiding spots are good for bodies and people
Definitely Ultimate.
10:04 that room I always go in as I always mess up which one has the ladder lol
love the music and the hidden spots I always do this to all of my friends