Top 15 Tips and Tricks in 2024 Among Us – Imposter’s Guide

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In this video you’ll see 2024’s top 15 best tips and tricks in 2024 Among Us for imposters. The best tips and tricks for imposters!
This guide will help imposters win, kill crewmates, and pull of 200 iq plays! It will also get you lots of beans and pods from winning.
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TY even if I don't play among us . I can play it on Roblox
I already know everything in this video, but I guess I like and subscribe anyways
I hate the roles
be careful when u kill place that has vent bc crewmate can hide in that
Thank you so much
Half of these are a bad idea
2:39 what if they werent doing the task but was watching you💀
Promote this channel I make among us short
that's all are great but you have to be fast
I learned:
1. Use admin, shelds and nav vents to hide bodys.
2. 3 crewmates in a room, use lights to kill.
3. Kill ok cams, close cam door and kill on there path if kill count down 15ish secs.
4. Kill on stack by getting behind others and dont move.
5. Fake download (9 sec), gas tank (5 sec), wires (6 sec) and trash (5 sec) tasks (do sabotages then).
6. If tash bar almost completed sabotage communication.
7. Use vents in beginning to locate targets and keep kill cooldown from freezing.
8. Ss into cleared crewmates.
9. After kill close door and wait outside for others and self report.
Please reply to my comment too
Another tip: Do not claim to see anyone kill another person, this will only work when there's 4 people left and you can clean the lie up after they're voted out, otherwise they'll immediately trace the accusation back to you
Thank you this is so much fun
Hey RRelix when are we going to record a video together?
lix you should check out my terraria 2 is a mistake when it's out
pls tips for crewmates!
Whats your id code becausr i want you to be my friend. A deal is a deal. Also these tips helps me alot. One more question, which server are you on?
Thank you for this video i need it and make video for crewmate
1:38 what if there are several people on cctv cams ☠️☠️☠️
But won’t they see u vent if there are no roles except Crewmate and impostor?
Hell yeah
Your dead in this 2:56 if the crewmate is actually faking it
Or, it may also cause the players to trust each other more under the basis of "they could have killed me but didn't", potentially making the game harder as impostors don't want crewmates to trust each other.
Also for #7, the strat is doomed if there are multiple people, or if they somehow decide to take the lower path. Also, do not kill on cams.
For #8, stack killing is a good strategy, but in my recent games I have discovered smart players watching the stack to see if anyone moves during the kill.
All strategies using vents can really easily be doomed if there is a sneaky engineer hiding inside it.
If you vent to medbay,try to face the right,because if you face the left someone if they are smart enough will know because if you “did scan” you’d be facing the right. Since all the tasks are on the left side. But the only useful thing on the right is the vent.
Hey i subscribed!!!
K33p going man
Bro these are useless for me bcz I become imp 1 out off 20
This is great! i always suck as an imposter lol
tysm, liked and subbed 😀
نبي عرب
Thxs for the tips I'm looking for..
I should probably make some among us video
yeah, cool. then there is me who was imp 1 game out of 30 played xD
0:16 i know that
Can you wait I’m playing with my older we wanna be smart
When doing the Stabilize Steering task, stand below the chair istead of above it so your body doesn't get hidden.
Step 1 :Become an impostor
Tysmmm for the tips cuz i suck as an Imposter tysm and i also liked and sub your a master thanks again its cuz whenever im only one imposter i get so nervouse cuz all of the players are together and idk i just cant do it but cuz of your tips i am doing better! Thanks again
Very good tips! Another one I recommend is when you are a shape shifter disguise into someone and kill someone with another Crewmate blaming the real person and it was actually you
They will seem very good
Oh yeah, about the deal
I subscribed and liked
Here is a op trick
You can sabotage reactor,light,coms or o2 and also close doors by tapping them at same time or firstly closing door then rector instantly
Thanks for the tips because I’m not good at imposter !
if this guy is the impostor we're cooked 100%
It is generally easier to fake long tasks, as they don't immediately update the task bar.