Top 15 Tips and Tricks in 2024 Among Us – Imposter’s Guide

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In this video you’ll see 2024’s top 15 best tips and tricks in 2024 Among Us for imposters. The best tips and tricks for imposters!

This guide will help imposters win, kill crewmates, and pull of 200 iq plays! It will also get you lots of beans and pods from winning.

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  1. My tip= Guys when Someone Try to predent Standing at security cams Just see the camera Outside the light Blinking or not If they not pretending The red light will blink.
    2nd tip= If someone doing or pretending fake task Just before he get off that task see If the task bar fills or
    not If it doesnt fill he was doing fake task.

  2. 1:36 this one is kinda risky, bc what if theres more than 1 people on the security cams?

  3. Step 1: Dont Like and Subscribe Because you dont have a Account

  4. 1:38 you’ll have to lock Storage and Upper Engine and hope nobody is on your side of the map

  5. Just because he said STOP and listen, and then ordered me to subscribe, I unsubscribed, and then proceeded to thumbs down the video

  6. Bro,my friends don't do task at all.They are just busy in catching the impostor😅

  7. Directions unclear: my family is dead and there are blue and red lights outside my window

  8. #2 – This only applies for a game with no roles. The Engineer role which is a crewmate was added in an update, giving crewmates with the role the ability to vent. #14 – You can only clear someone in a shapeshifter game if there is knly 1 impostor left. This is because shapeshifters can shapeshift into other impostors.

  9. #10 I’d like to call the “Penguins of Madagascar kill”

  10. Question: If you accidentally kill a crewmate when someone is watching on cams, what if there's 2 crewmates watching?

  11. #7 would only work for the hallway between cafeteria and upper engine and medbay; you have to fake a task in upper engine to wait off your kill cooldown

  12. Im never going to forget any of this,I am going to Remember everything of this when i play the game

  13. Another tip is that if you are the imposter and if two people are having beef or arguing,kill one of them the next round,the other crewmates will sus the other crewmate(ciz thats just commen sense), and boom you got two crewmates out,you should get an easy kill,thank me later

  14. #10 Seems extremely risky, you have to vent from, kill and back again all within the window that they are downloading for, slightly early or late and they'll spot you

  15. Innersloth really needs to save message logs to curb abuse of their tech.

  16. tip 7: what if the impostor has a longer cooldown? close all doors?

  17. 1:17 problem with this is me, i trust that other will fix sabo and go to the opposite side of the map expecting this

  18. fun fact: blue chewmate always being first death and unlucky

  19. I must rewatch this ten times to remember all

  20. Another tip is that when you become the impostor on skeld , close cafeteria except for the first round. By closing doors this can let you an advantage of less kill cooldown

  21. Tip: if you see someone vent and you think there imposter follow them if you know where the vents go and watch them tryna go in a vent but there’s a cooldown if you see someone spam venting there imposter cause Imposters don’t have vent cooldown

  22. One of my favorite plays as a shape shifer at the start of the match:1: Follow the largest group. 2: Before entering the room/area of the group, see who runs in the opposite direction.3: Shift into that person unseen.4: Run onto the room shifted and kill in cold blood.5: Body will be reported and the that player that was no where near is booted.6: Everyone starts to panic.5: Strike only when shifted or attack someone as yourself and immediately shift to run away.Won a match in a fully lobby this way and it was amazing.

  23. 1)Two players in a room, close the door, to draw confusion and sus btw them 2) you can hear vent only not crew3) kill in hidden spots4) 0:52 figure out urself5) killing crew call sabotage farthest from body6)can see crew on cams while venting to medbay to security 7) 1:33 figure out urself8)try killing on stack of crew9) fake download task 10secWiring task 6 sec10) 2:38 very iq play11) sabotage while faking task12)kill cool down freezes in vent13)when task are about to complete sabotage the comms14)dont shape shift into sus15)after killing someone close the door and wait for other crew and come inside with him

  24. The problem now is that these tricks are well known.

  25. In step 14 what if they suspect tou because they don't see you like you're missing so i don't recommend it

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