Ultimate Imposter Meeting Guide | Among Us Tips

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I have a question, Pancakes or Waffles?
these tutorial type of videos are so cool, i love your insight
Best avoid meeting all together and kill all of the crew before they find a body/button^^
These type of video are my favourite good job like video
Oh, I did have one question! If you're a crewmate and on the way to lights, is there any way to say that without sounding sus and diverting attention from the actual killers?
Some people are really good at controlling meetings, and some people stay more quiet, if I tend to stay more quiet as both crew AND imp, what's a good way for me to subtly control the meetings? Or do I have to just push myself to always talk more?
Great video! I think a great take away is who to sus and who not to sus. Feeling out the vibe of the crewmates is essential for impostors to survive meetings
I really should listen to others their sus, as a crewmate I usually notice them.
but as an impostor I seem only to keep an eye out for people which were pairs.
I really enjoy your Among Us Tips! You don't overload your video with information and explain it all in detail.
Thank you so much for this tutorial! It can be really hard to control the meeting as an imposter but with your tips it becomes easier ☺
As someone who's a slow killer and prefers marinating over going on a killing spree…being good at meetings is a lifesaver when the partner doesn't kill much 🥲