50 Tips for Among Us

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Among Us is a fun game, but if you find yourself struggling to win as either impostor or crewmate, than this video will hopefully give you enough tips to up your game and make you less sus! Enjoy!


#amongus #macro


  1. ok so one time i was playing among us and orange said it was black i was confused but no one payed attention to them but the next round orange was freaking dead so i said it was black since a tip in this video said "if only ONE person is sus of you end them" so i used that against black and he was an impostor


  3. .⠀⠀ ⣀⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣤⣄⣀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀


















































  4. No one:
    Public lobbies: “I was right but no one listened…”

  5. Tip: Memorize all the vents and where they go to, then look on admin to see if someone quickly changed rooms and did not pass through other rooms to get there, this is a sign of venting. Once you see someone vent on admin quickly run to that room or rooms around that room that they vented to and then you will probably be able to find the imposter standing right in front of you. Good luck 🙂

  6. these tips are great. Also since ce I just started playing.

  7. Your tips really helped me get better. Now I can find the imposter in the first minute

  8. If you get caught venting chase the person who saw you and kill them as they hit emergency meeting

  9. If someone is sus of your impostor mate and says to vote them you should vote them too so people don't sus you

  10. I Need This Bruh I Always Get Sused in Among us And Whatever i Say They'll Still Think I'm Sus I Hate it Bruh I've Been Playing Among us For A Couple of Days or Months And I'm Getting Better😀

  11. sorry macro but 14 even though two kills 1 of the imposter could ov killed 2 people and not a double kill. But it depends on the kill cooldown

  12. Me: reports a body
    Crew: why did u report sus
    Me: Dosent report a body
    Crew: kind of sus that u didn't report a body for a long time
    Me: BRUH RAGES REEEEEEEEEEEeeEEeeeEeeeEEeeeEeeeeeEeeeEeeeee

  13. When the guy says "SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" tap your screen a lot. Then most of the times you will be impostor.

  14. A tip that i use is if i get voted out i say “fine it’s me you guys suck, but the other is (innocent color) so they think you are the worst, and they kill the other aswell

  15. 。 • ゚ 。 . . . 。 。 . . 。 ඞ 。 . • • 。 • ゚ 。 . . . 。 。 . . 。 。 . • • cyan was not An Impostor. 。

  16. tip* if you kill the one who suspects you you'll draw even more suspicion

  17. To whoever is reading this:

    I know it's not always easy, but you will feel better
    You are not alone.
    You are important, no matter whether you see it or not. You matter, I promise
    Don't give up, think positively and believe in yourself ( ◜‿◝ )♡

    Have a good day/night 🖤♥️

  18. Congo for 1 million 🥳🥳🥳🥳💓💓💓🤣❣️❣️🤯🤯🤯🥳🥳🥳🥳

  19. Onecomentm has a very strong and powerful also become a popular option ayush cl1 coments

  20. Ayush cl1 said goodbye for the new York times comment about how Donald Trump's answer is that the United good comment s

  21. For the last example in tip #46 that will only work if your friends know you haven't played it or if you can fake being a noob because the "I've never played this before" excuse is a literal one time thing it can't be used every single time

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