50 Tips for Among Us

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Among Us is a fun game, but if you find yourself struggling to win as either impostor or crewmate, than this video will hopefully give you enough tips to up your game and make you less sus! Enjoy!


#amongus #macro


  1. When I saw all the fan art i thought this game is one of the spookiest games ever till i saw this video… they are tic tac spacemen

  2. shields is also a visual task if the light blinks they are clear

  3. Noob all people knows you noob i am master at among us noob

  4. When your Imposter don’t fake scan or the others will become sus at once

  5. Here are my tips for Crewmate & Impostor:

    Crewmate: 1. Do "Color Strat", it basically means memorize where everyone goes at the start of the round, Skeld and MIRAHQ are the easiest to do it. 2. If lights go out, stay at admin because if there are 2 people in electrical and it blinks, 1 of them died so simply camp medbay for them to come out because it's the most common place for an impostor to vent out from electrical, same thing if lights are on. 3. If you're on MIRAHQ, study the logs because it can also be used as Color Strat. 4. Never ever blame someone that got a crewmate wrong as Impostor on 10, 9, and 8 people. 5. If an Impostor calls o2, Reactor, or Comms, walk the other direction of the sabotage because most impostors call a sabotage the opposite direction from which they killed.

    Impostor: 1. Marinate people by faking tasks with them and staying together for at least 2-3 rounds. 2. If you see someone on cams, call comms and kill them. 3. If you're in a 1v3 find a person alone and kill them and call a sabotage that is the farthest away from the dead body, then just wait for your kill cooldown and kill 1 more person and win. And if they're all sticking together call a sabotage and kill the most cleared person, self-report it, and hard blame the other sussed person. At that point, the person who is not sussed will most likely believe the person who reported so you will most likely win. 4. If your partner got voted out, and you're in a 1v7 situation, kill 1 person each round that is alone and at 4 people just do the 3rd tip. 5. If you get caught venting by 1 person call a sabotage when they're about to hit the button, then kill them.

  6. Hi! Just wanted to say that you’re an amazing person whom I hope is safe and healthy in these scary times. Have an awesome day!! 🤗

  7. 2:10 if you are An/The imposter just say like 3-5 wrong guesses then the correct one

  8. If someone saw you vent call sab then wait at the button and kill them

  9. when you're the imposter on the skeld map dont try to kill someone too fast especially in elec because most people go to elec right after admin.

  10. Here is a tip you can be say your room is hot and kill someone and go back

  11. Fun fact: when listing visual tasks, he forgot the prime shields task

  12. this one time i got imposter 10 times in a row just because i was wearing purple and also i got banned well not a permament one

  13. here is a tip
    self report the first body so that people trust you
    when you kill and report ,make sure no one else saw that

  14. Go to elec as crew bc the cooldown is not up
    Do tasks here
    Go Fix Wiring and/or Swipe card
    Do other tasks
    If one of those is visual at the closes emergency tell the crew
    Do visual
    Look for bodies/Camp camms/Look for imps

  15. Nobody:
    Every single YouTuber i watch: LiKe aNd sUbsCrIbe.
    Like its anyyoing just stop

  16. Tip when playing with 2 imps and you're important watch them kill someone and report it

  17. you can run left right up down on mobile to make yourself sorta glitch and run fast

  18. Tip: If you see anyone data but the task button doesn't move, then don't sus on them because that task has two parts . The task bar moves after that person uploads data in admin.

  19. I don't care how good the impostor who killed me is at lying, I don't care how dumb my teammates are, but those people who died, and leave immediately without even bothering about their remaining tasks, is cancer, Innersloth should definitely add something into the game which would make the ghost role not boring, like some mini games for ghosts only to play, etc.. they should add stuff like that, or else most people who died would just leave…😔😔

  20. When you are the imposter, and there are 3 people left, kill someone, report it, blame someone, and say: do you want to win or lose.

  21. if someone comes out of med bay looking right keep an eye on them because of where the vent is in med bay your almost always will be facing right

  22. Making a video right now and I want you to make it say on how to kill everybody but you not to call me

  23. Tip: In the map Skeld, if you go to medbay and vent, then you will come out facing the right. Also if you do the scan or sample task, you will come out facing the left! 🙂

  24. Tip: Choose Tan as ur color cuz people keep mistake it to Brown, White, or Orange


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