All short task | Skeld map | among us | guide

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.All short task | Skeld map | among us | guide
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#allshorttask #skeldmapguide
Data task? That’s way too long
Align engine short taskCalibrate distributor short taskDownload short taskClean 02 short taskDivert power short taskPrime shields short tasks Stabilize steering short taskUnlock manifold short taskChart course short task
why is upload “short”it should be long since you have to stand still for 10 seconds twice
How did you find this out?
calibator distributor is not a short task, i turned off short task, called someone out for doing it, they werent the imposter
Prime shields is visual tanks
I don't think Align Output is short…
– visuals –
:: prime shields (shields)
:: asteroids (weapons)
:: scan (medbay)
:: trash (storage)
– vents –
:: cafe
:: medbay
:: upper engine
:: reactor (2)
:: security
:: lower engine
:: electrical
:: admin
:: navigation (2)
:: shields
:: weapons
:: corridor between navigation and shields
– chat slang –
:: good game (gg)
:: dg (dark green)
:: db (dark blue)
:: sec (security)
:: med (medbay)
:: elec (electrical)
:: nav (navigation)