AMONG US … For Noobs

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Among Us has taken over the gaming world, so if you still don’t understand what this game is about, that’s a little suspicious, but you came to the right place! Enjoy!
Thumbnail art by Adam Dadaluk:
Default Dancing Dude by Rae:
The Intro song for this video is “I Think I’m Normal” by Carter Ace
Check him out here:
#amongus #macro #fornoobs
Can't play this game because I have no friends 😞
I’m sorry, I’m somewhat gaming tech challenged, is this an app or an actual game for a system like PlayStation or something like that?
Dead game
5:10 Admin: Am I a joke to you?
I love how in the intro Macro votes himself
In polus there also an admin map
It sucks that among us is kinda dead now
1:07 when I die in apex
My pe teacher used your thumbnail for a fake among us game
its becouse it got the perfect conditions to blow up in during this corona time
Why did we crack up at the opening song LOL
where is among us for noobs?
It’s trouble in terrorist town 2d
The impostor was sus 😅😔😍🤪😕😊😳😢😕😍✋😕
Make a song called In Space 🎶
this video is greAT, an accurate representation of amog us.
4:46 thats my favorite map
bro nice song c:
me sad bing
im mobile player and its f2p there
#redfornoobs gang
The reason why among us grew so big is because the game requires no actual gaming skill but is more based around decisions
The song at the start is fire🔥
Make it in spotify
Too 5 best anime theam
Here in space…I’m the one who dies
But he wasn’t goin to die
me: dosent mentin people under 18 cant play as whel because of-
quick chat: ME IM EVEL
@Macro I found this game that stole your thumbnail, I will try to find the name of the game and will edit the comment.
Hold on that's susy
That intro song had me in tears
Here in space
Macro voted for himself in the beginning
Why did I only come here for the intro o_o
You should be a musician
When the marco gets ejected: "How could this happen to meeee?"
Beautiful 🤩 ur an inspiration
It Was Actually Made In 2017
And There is NOT 3 Maps
F in chat for macro
when imposter is sus
here in space, you cant hear the lies, here in space, im the one who dies i dont know what i did to hurt you, i was in medbay doing tasks, but everybody kept on screaming, and nobody even asked HERE IN SPACE IM YELLING TROUGH THE IM YELLING TROUGH THE SKIES, HERE IN SPACE, NOT BODY CAN HEAR ME CRY, WHY?, Why?
Impostors haven’t followed me on twitter @theMacroShow