Among Us New Roles Update- New Update Among us 2021

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Among Us New Roles and Level System. among us new update 2021. among us new roles explained. among us levels . among us beans. among us cosmicubes. among us how to use beans. among us newest update. among us shapeshifter. among us scientist. among us engineer. among us guardian angel. new roles among us. roles update among us. among us xp levels. among us achievement update. among us big update 2021. Among us roles update
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#amongus #update #roles
Impostors 2019: it wasnt me!
Impostors now: im an engineer
how to dowload new update?
I cant even play it 🤧🤧 it keeps kicking me out and I know I'm not the only one
Yeah i play that I'm always Cremate Damn
wasnt the game loved for bieng simple?
Link dowload?
These roles were available as mods but it's cool they added them
I have left that game 8 months ago just because of that stupid quick chat feature and some glitches 💔
"Shape shifter is hard to get"
Every time i got imposter i Also got Shape shifter
I'm that I was watching chary
Q- Is there is no other way to get starts without using real money?
Damn that role update made the game even more difficult. I mean everytime i see someone vent i freak out xD
The cosmicubes are like abilities trees
Change my mind
I am a shape shifter god I love transforming into a afk person and making them sus
Your in suriname
thers nothing there for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Can you make a video on how you downloaded among us on PC, and if you did it without having to pay for it
I like the old versions of among us.
It doesn’t show that for me because I’m on Mobile the beans don’t do anything for me
I might start playing among us again because of this
So much new things
If among us have vc (voice chat) the game will be epic
The first caT
Download plz
Why do you play with your mouse only
Guys there's an easy way to prove your an engineer
1. If you have med scan sure someone watches you
2. vent
Among us now requires a very strong internet
you can choose roles on the pc if you want
though the game died a few months ago this is kinda dope
Omg among us getting better
How can i remember this ,🤧😭
I dont like the Chat upsate it is VERY teribble.
So how do you get more name plates? Level up?
Omg thank you I literally died 1st so many times and didn’t know I was the guardian angel.
I played a game with you and didn’t even notice
I'm playing Among Us a lot more now I feel like I did when I first installed the game
Crewmate: I’m engineer
Shapeshifter: oh really now
Shapeshifter was the first role I got
How do you get stars
Does somebody know how I can get to chat normal again?
lol I just logged onto among us and all this NEW stuff was there and video helped so much tysm
the game is unplayable
no server online
every game is full or has already started
also cant host
You can join me ni minecraft please
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