Among Us New Roles Update- New Update Among us 2021

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Among Us New Roles and Level System. among us new update 2021. among us new roles explained. among us levels . among us beans. among us cosmicubes. among us how to use beans. among us newest update. among us shapeshifter. among us scientist. among us engineer. among us guardian angel. new roles among us. roles update among us. among us xp levels. among us achievement update. among us big update 2021. Among us roles update
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#amongus #update #roles
I want to updated and I don’t know how do you make it?
why the fuck would they add this when they need in-game voice chat… ffs stop trying to alter the original game, just add what is necessary innersloth
The info i was looking for and more !
Is it normal to start on level 2? Also does it give you a random name?
How to remove quick chat btw
Thank you so much it’s been a year since I played and apparently there is new roles so thanks for the guideEdit: forget what I said among us is now horrible
Fake lol
Dude the quick chat is useless just taking space and btw the guest chat is removed now and it's only an account on this new upadate idk why the quick chat is there
What's with activate and deactivate in the cosmicube?
What about a sheriff role?
The colored beans are upgrading
This video made me get addicted to among us again so I give sub
1st (again i guess)
Cant believe they add so much when most people dont play the game anymore 😂
Everyone: we want detective
Devs: no but we got this roles
Bro i love this update, thanks for explaining it very well! New subscriber earned! 😄
I'm SHOCK!!!!!!!!
now the only thing left to do is remove quick chat and the game is going to be perfect again
Kinda cool to have more options. It's nice they don't force new stuff on you, but merely give more ways to play.
What is the max lvl?
the reason why i got back to playing among us
Now tomorow I'm gonna play some Among us 🙂
i cant seem to get this update