Among Us: Proximity Chat | Private Server Guide | CrewLink

Among Us Twitch Drop Guide:
Playing with CrewLink:
Just want to install CrewLink? Go to the video above, and skip to: 0:40
Playing with Proximity Chatr (CrewLink):
CrewLink Releases:
CrewLink Server Docker Command: docker run -d -p 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest
More detailed Port Forwarding Guide:
Multi-Router Port Forwarding Guide:
If you’re connecting to your own pc, use:
Others obviously use your external ip:
00:00 – Explanation
00:30 – Why use a Private Server?
00:45 – CrewLink Server Explained
01:29 – Downloading & Installing Docker
02:32 – Installing CrewLink Server in Docker
03:42 – Using Private CrewLink Server
04:30 – Allowing others to join (Ports Explained)
06:03 – Firewall Settings
07:00 – Port Forwarding
09:03 – Joining the Private CrewLink Server
10:39 – Exiting CrewLink Server (Docker)
11:08 – Automate server start/stop (Less typing)
14:00 – Using Node.js instead of Docker (OPTIONAL – NOT RECOMMENDED)
#AmongUs #ProximityChat #CrewLink
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Everything in this video is my personal opinion and experience, and should not be considered professional advice. Always do your own research and make sure what you’re doing is safe.
when i type docker into the command thing it says ‘docker’ is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
all work perfectly but i have a red circle around me and i cant speak with my friends even if they are in my room
I did it with node.js and I got everything done but when I tried to join my server, it said that there were too many people in it when there was nobody
has anyone figured out red ring problem?
I had problems because the container name would be "already taken" if I used the shortcut .bat file more than once. I solved this by adding another "pause" line followed by another line "docker container rm " followed by the name I had assigned the container. This ensures that each time you use the shortcut and then end your session, you can reopen without getting the error.
was ist der vorteil den server selber zu hosten
that was actually a huge help!
Does it work with Mac's??
I set up everything how it was said to in the video using Docker. It connects me to my server, but no matter what I do the circle around my image is red. If I connect to the (the default crewlink comes with) I get the green circle as if it's working. Change it back to localhost:9736 and nothing but red. Is anybody else having this issue?
GUYS ! for the people who have a RED RING when they put "localhost:9736" try putting "http://localhost:9736" instead, it worked for me !!!!
Can a freind join by simiply opening crew link and then joining your private lobby
2 Questions:
1: Does the host need to have their external IP as part of the Voice Server in CrewLink or are they supposed to have it as localhost?
2: Is my external IP supposed to have a bunch of numbers AND letters? Because when I do the what is my IP search, that's what it comes back with
When I put "docker ps" I get "error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running .: Get http: //%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/json: open //./pipe/docker_engine: "The system cannot find the specified file. And when I put the server it says "docker: error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running .: Post http: //%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/create : open //./pipe/docker_engine "The system cannot find the specified file.
See 'docker run –help'.
Why is the ring color red when i talk?
I had an issue with the .bat file when trying your automated script because the containers were left created and couldnt create one with the same name next time.
if anyone has similar issue just add "docker rm Crewlink" belov "docker stop Crewlink" line.
This just removes the container so you can start it again next time using the sam bat file.
I don't understand…
very good video!! To stop the container with cmd I find a bit complicated instead I just stop the container in the program (Docker Desktop) that works too! so I do not have to enter comands 🙂
is it work on craked version
the docker container keeps stopping with this messege "<error> You must set the ADDRESS environment variable."
Can I use DYNDNS for this?
Update: Yes, it's possible. Just change your DYNDNS in the router like usual.
For everyone getting: "<error> You must set the ADDRESS environment variable.".
To resolve this instead of the line:
docker run -d -p 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest
do this line:
docker run –name CrewlinkServer -e ADDRESS=http://[ip]:9736 -dp 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest
It's very important, to attach the "-e ADDRESS" before "-d -p ……", if it's placed after it doesn't work. Hope it helped 😀
I dont have windows 10 pro
I cannot get this to work for me… it seems to work on the docker end. On CrewLink, for me I never have the red circle when hosting my private server. It lights up green when I speak and goes away when I don't as it should. But everyone else has a red wifi looking symbol on them. When friends and I connect it shows that they are connected, but as soon as they join the lobby they disconnect immediately. I tried having them temporarily shut down their firewall. I have the firewall settings correct, but just to be sure I temporarily disabled it altogether and still no luck. Like I said on Docker it shows them as connected but when they join the lobby they disconnect. If they refresh CrewLink, then Docker temporarily shows them as connected again but then disconnects them a moment later. Anyone else experience this issue?
can u make tutorial for impostor private server?
crew program wont accept an ip right now. all i can type is a URL.
What do I do if after I type in 'docker ps', nothing shows up other than the container id, image, command, etc. ?
hi there, for some reason I get stuck with the localhost:9736 part. It just keeps on saying invalid URL. Am I doing something wrong or is it because of the new update with Crewlink? Me and my friends can't seem to make proximity chat work properly so I've resorted to making a server. To be honest I'm way over my head with this stuff; any help would be much appreciated.
I use my mobile Hotspot to connect to my laptop. How can I port forward without router?
I can't get this to work, neither the Docker, nor the yarn way…
Docker gives me that error (just replaced the account name with [account]):
docker run -d -p 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest
Unable to find image 'ottomated/crewlink-server:latest' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: Head Get unexpected EOF.
See 'docker run –help'.
What is it? Have re-installed Docker, logged in, logged out, restarted PC…
3:32 i've got a long code but when i type in docker ps it still shows nothing's running
why tf is this so complicated
My friends have wifi symbol and we can't hear us, can someone help me ?
I get this when I input docker ps error during connect: In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run with elevated privileges to connect. what is wrong with it
When we are at the part where you need to paste this {docker run -d -p 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest
} there is an error. How do I fix this?
What is the difference between localhost:9736 and ip address:9736
pls i need help
It says that my docker deamon is not running
if i try to run the command "git clone
" it says that it does not exist
DIdn't work for me. Even after everything. The avatar icons have a red wifi and a slash over it and I can't hear anything from
For those who are blocked directly at DOCKER, after installing it, to get some error when trying to run it :
– Check in the BIOS of your PC if the virtualisation are enabled on your machine. It's likely that it is disabled by default on your PC.
Search in your BIOS for a configuration option named like "Intel Virtualisation" in CPU options (probably), if you're on INTEL or "SVM" (= Secure Virtual Machine) if you're on AMD.
You should have an option with "Disabled / Enabled" value. Just put it on "enabled".
Restart, and Docker should be able to start.
Hi TroubleChute. I manage to install DOCKER and WSL. In cmd docker is runing, and the command docker run -d -p 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest installed all files. But when I'm looking if the server is runing, the command docker ps shows nothing. Any advice how to solve this? Cheers.
where i left 2:30
@troublechute : the crewlink ask for a URL to change servers now. is this a tutorial breaking update??
plz help (:
I attempted to use Docker for creating my own CrewLink server, Docker wouldn't run because by default my version of Windows 10 didn't have virtualization enabled, and the documents on the Docker website for enabling virtualization ended up making my computer completely unable to connect to the internet, I couldn't even access the Docker site anymore to try to undo the changes they told me to do, so I ended up having to reformat and reinstall Windows 10. Huge pain in the butt, so massive thumbs down.
Hey can anyone help me set this up? I am getting an error in cmd prompt
error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/json: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.
I'm having trouble actually using the server I've created. crewlink just says "menu". I've checked docker, checked everything, done my port forwarding and still nothing. Any ideas anyone?
Talbi is sus
ep ep ep ep ep
How do i download with windows 8