Among Us: Proximity Chat | Private Server Guide | CrewLink

Among Us Twitch Drop Guide:
Playing with CrewLink:
Just want to install CrewLink? Go to the video above, and skip to: 0:40
Playing with Proximity Chatr (CrewLink):
CrewLink Releases:
CrewLink Server Docker Command: docker run -d -p 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest
More detailed Port Forwarding Guide:
Multi-Router Port Forwarding Guide:
If you’re connecting to your own pc, use:
Others obviously use your external ip:
00:00 – Explanation
00:30 – Why use a Private Server?
00:45 – CrewLink Server Explained
01:29 – Downloading & Installing Docker
02:32 – Installing CrewLink Server in Docker
03:42 – Using Private CrewLink Server
04:30 – Allowing others to join (Ports Explained)
06:03 – Firewall Settings
07:00 – Port Forwarding
09:03 – Joining the Private CrewLink Server
10:39 – Exiting CrewLink Server (Docker)
11:08 – Automate server start/stop (Less typing)
14:00 – Using Node.js instead of Docker (OPTIONAL – NOT RECOMMENDED)
#AmongUs #ProximityChat #CrewLink
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Everything in this video is my personal opinion and experience, and should not be considered professional advice. Always do your own research and make sure what you’re doing is safe.
What I have to do if I have ds lite and can´t do port forwarding?
Thx for the tutorial
The server works perfectly for my friends but for some reason it won't for me, im getting the red voice ring. I did all the firewall thing so that isn´t the problem
I cannot connect to localhost:9736 and others cannot connect to me, I opened and portforwarded all the ports, firewall isn't the issue as far as I can tell, but still I cannot connect to my own server nor can others. What is the issue?
how do you play among us and also show the panel to viwers?
okay what if it is saying ENOTFOUND 8123
why does it ask me alphanumeric numbers when i try to put in 9736 in my internal and external port during the port forwading steps?
Does anyone else get the prompt that you need something else on your computer, I checked and it said that I dont have the Hyper-V but apparently I need Windows 10 Pro or better. Also whenever I try to run the commands it says that the docker command is unable to run.
when i go to comand and tipe :docker run -d -p 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest
it gives me this
docker' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
What do i need to do now ?
pls help
error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Post http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/create: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.
See 'docker run –help'. thats what it said to me. What should i do?
When i search on chrome "what is my ip" i only find my alphabet and number ip not the only number ip pls help
or get the methode
go to glitch
start with the import github
give the repository a nice name and in the voice server in crewlink enter https://<the name of the glitch repository> and it should work fine
is anyone having a problem where everything works for those connected to your server, but as the host of the server your sound isn't connecting?
the docker and command prompt stuff is working but we cant hear eachother
I get struck after opening crewlink. "Please use another voice server.Localhost:9736 gave this error: getaddreinfo ENOTFOUND 9736." I set localhost:9736 as voice server.
I have done everything right up to 4:16 where for the voice server I put localhost:9736, I start it and when I enter the game it the voice server is red which means it isn't working. Why is this and how do I fix it as it seems like I did everything correctly.
thank you this really helped even though I installed everything on my raspberry pi xD
people can connect, however I get a red circle when trying to talk. Nobody can hear me nor can I hear them
My network keeps switching to public network and i can’t change it back to private network what should I do
Ive had trouble getting this to work but i know if youve checked everything your internet provider might be blockimg all available ports (keep in mind im not an expert im just speaking from personal experience)
Does anyone know why, when I open the server, my friends who are connecting get the message: "Please use another voice server. http://(myIP):9736/ gave this error: connect ECONNREFUSED (myIP):9736."?
docker run -d -p 9736:9736 ottomated/crewlink-server:latest
docker: error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Post http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/create: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.
See 'docker run –help'. This is what comes up
When I do the docker command to start the container, and open crew link and put localhost:9736 and go in game it shows red circle when I speak, why?
Anybody know why when my friend and I are trying to see if they can join the server, they join in successfully, but we cannot hear each other? When he joins in crewlink his circle outline is red instead of green..
Isn't it a bit dangerous to have your ip address shown on your youtube channel? DDos, doxx, other ip attacks still exist right?..
Hi, is there a way to change the range because we can hear people far away, thx
When port forwarding my local ip doesnt have the .1. in it but it wont let me change it. What do i do??
Okay, I got the localhost part working but still have a red circle when trying to connect with my IP if there's a solution to this that would be much appreciated I followed all the steps and the server should be running to the correct port forwarded port on docker.
2:53 When I run "docker ps" it says: "error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/json: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified." Can someone help me?
Having an issue where I forgot to unclick the WSL2 option, it now wants me to finish installing wsl2 before Docker can properly run. I was wondering how I can uninstall the part of WSL that I did install. Please help
it gives me a error with crewlink the error is: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND 9736
Does anyone know how to fix this?
For everyone who is getting "ENOTFOUND 9736" and did portforward, try putting http:/ in front of it
Does anyone know how to fix red ring
help me when i paste the command it says "docker: error during connect: In the default daemon configuration on Windows, the docker client must be run with elevated privileges to connect.: Post http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/create: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified."
when I enter docker ps into my command prompt it is giving me an error message.
error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/json: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.
docker doesn't work regardless of whether or not you chose to install the wsl 2 because i tried it both ways and when i didn't install the wsl2 it said to install it in order to use docker.
so in otherwords, I can't use the default proximity chat server because it won't work and docker wont work so i cant create my own server.
conclusion: Apparently everyone else can use this super useless mod except me
It says wsl 2 is not installed properly when i restarted my pc after installing dockers??Why??
To anyone who's able to connect to their private server but have a red ring whenever they talk after port forwarding and adding the firewall rules, make sure you set your voice server to http://localhost:9736 (make sure it's not https) you can enter that into your browser as well to check if it redirects you to the crewlink server page. I spent way too much time trying to fix a non-existant issue
What is my privet server code????
I have a problem: I can't connect to my ow server. it always says that my server (i use is full and is asking me to restart the app after fixing this. I have the same error prompt when trying to connect to the default server … Any hints?
EDIT: Now i adjusted some settings and the address is changed to localhost:9736 which will give me the error: Please use another voice server. localhost:9736 gave this error: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND 9736.
Do I have to instal WSL for this to work???????
Quick fix: "ENOTFOUND 9736"
To get your Voice server address, you can either go to your browser and paste "localhost:9736" in the searchbar then you should be redirected to a page where the address is or you can go to the docker app and it should appear in there.
to join ure server tipe http://localhost:9736 that worked for me BUT….
DONT EVEN TRY IF u have Windows 10 home ( cause u need win10pro to install docker easly); U DIDNT CHeck if ure router allows u Port Forwarding, For the not docker option u should install GIT otherwise the commands wont work and u need Port Forwarding too… ure destroying ure mental health with that shit, here is my journey
Just want to mention which requirements u need to even do anything of what hes doin.
— That docker can work without spending hours to make it run u need Windows Pro. If u have Windows Home, good luck and have fun wasting ure time in hell of programming installing and looking on 123ashf.exe install– and not understanding shit of it
— to join ure own docker Server u need to put htts:// before localhost 4:12
We came so far that we can join our server but if u want to do that port forwarding thing, u should have checked if it would actually be possible..
in my case my router doesnt even show me this option
I spended money on the Windows Pro Key 15 € and not lying at least 24 hours (bec of trying installing docker on windows 10 home) to finally give up because my fcking internet provider is not supporting port forwarding unless u enter bridge-mode which causes that ure wifi isnot working and u can use only one lan port which is ment to connect another router on what would mean i have to buy another router. I think thats not worth it..
If there is any other EASY option to run a private Voice Server without burning money pls tell me!!!!!!!!!
does it work the same for Linux?
i get this after download i think he should make a new vid because i did what he did and not workingHardware assisted virtualization and data execution protection must be enabled in the BIOS. See
i have removed crewlink and docker reinstall and i get the same thing all the time help (Hardware assisted virtualization and data execution protection must be enabled in the BIOS. See
"Please use another voice server.Localhost:9736 gave this error: getaddreinfo ENOTFOUND 9736"
Any solutions?
how long takes the server to download? i´ve been waiting for more than an hour
is there a way to use it without docker? I have veryy slow wifi it says 2 hours for it.
it says for me
error during connect: This error may indicate that the docker daemon is not running.: Get http://%2F%2F.%2Fpipe%2Fdocker_engine/v1.24/containers/json: open //./pipe/docker_engine: The system cannot find the file specified.
how do you fix this please?
My head 🤯