Among Us Tips and Tricks: HOW TO WIN AS IMPOSTOR

Zombie Rummager
Views: 253293
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An in-depth guide on how to win as impostor! Includes how to get away with kills, how to have an alibi, how to not get voted off, and more!
Bonus tip for those of you who check description: Don’t forget to target confirmed crewmates!!!
Bonus tip for those of you who check description: Don’t forget to target confirmed crewmates!!!
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#ZombieRummager #amongus #tipsandtricks
Does anyone else find his voice strangely calming
Dang the video was so good I almost forgot to subscribe and hit the like button
Didn't even know how to sabotage and only used vents once first time around as imposter but still won because i managed to stay cool and when there was 3 people left i accused somebody else of "Throwing us under the bus!". I feel like a genius but it was probably just the crew being even worse than me.
Anyway this game is a masterpiece.
Subscribed! .ore clear video
it wasnt me7:48
Ty, very helpful
roblox song
yes please make a video of the different people in among us!!!
I always get crewmate and I suck at being impostor, I found this vid and turns out the comments also say strats which adds up to my knowledge, thank you dudes👍👍
Totally do the different crew mates in among us
thanks man these tips helped alot i didnt know almost any of these 🙂
I subed
Tip: self reports are most common when 3+ ppl died to de spawn bodies for the round
Comment for the youtube alg
N u g g e t
My tips and tricks.
1.) lay low. Don’t get any suspicions. If someone asks you a question, you answer. Don’t talk to much. And don’t be clueless. You just sound dumb.
2.) When you kill someone, get as far away as possible. I mean far. Like if you kill someone in reactor, go to o2. A nice tip is to gain an alibi. Get someone’s trust. Go for the smartest players in the lobby. People trust them. If the smartest person trusts you, everyone trusts you.
3.) use your sabotages to an advantage. Turn out lights whenever you can. Closing doors on two people in a room makes one of the people look suspicious.
4.) learn the maps if you haven’t already. Knowing the maps and tasks is key. You can make up the best stories to gain trust. Also if you are playing detective in the situation, I would ask people where they were and what task they were doing.
5.) DO NOT REPORT BODIES. Just don’t do it. It makes you look sus. I know it’s stupid.
6.) I should’ve said this in the beginning, but also use vents to your advantage. They make great get aways. Say you kill someone in security and you don’t vent out. Instead you walk out. Uh oh someone is walking in security as you walked out. Vents are useful. Use them to your advantage.
These are my personal tips and tricks for imposter. This comment was for people that just started the game and want to try something different or maybe you just want to try something different.
Yes plz do an Among Us Stereotypes
i was playing among us like ten mins ago and i accidetly vented ifront of two ppl in eltrcal and they did not see me idk tho
Ty so much bro
dude when im crewmate i always just sus people and get voted out..
A comment for the YouTube algorithm
How to stop losing as imposter: you don’t.
You automatically win because every person leaves the game.
Polus has a really good strat where you call lights, then wait outside lights and kill the first person to come in. It's so easy.
there is a better method of this :
how do you win as impostor if there are like 3-4 crewmates that just stick togheter at the end
Strat : When 2 people enter Electrical in The Skeld, go in security , lock the doors, go in vent, wait for one guy to be alone, kill him, quickly vent away, and the other guy will get the blame
Personally, electrical is my first place to go. I'd kill someone there due to the lack of vision and then stay in vents. I also like killing someone, going to the most people, and calling the closest S.A.B so I have alibis.
Thanks m8!
Once upon a time I was imposter and my imposter buddy killed someone right infornt of everyone but some how he got away with it😯
If you wanna see what happened then watch my video😀
You dont have to but I would appreciate it cause I'm new to youtube 😊
Instructions unclear
Killed real people and now I have 10 years in prison
tip: if you stack kill, don't be the one to report the body
When I'm in Polus and there's the key task, practically everyone does that first, I like to get in a stack kill while everyone's doing that
stupid not playing and not killing anyone the whole game and just standing and speaking
Awesome vid!
how do u get imposter in free play?
i like 10 players and one impostor idc if im not impostor but im just a fan of long games
also dont leave when ur not impostor because u wont know how to be good as crew
ok so if you're gonna kill someone at O2, sabotage reactor to draw people away. nice one
among us in pubs servers:
me (blue) : i saw red vent and kill orange on medbay room
red: blue sus
the whole server: let's vote blue he's kinda sus
blue was not the impostor, 1 impostor remain
When you play with friends:
They try as much as possible to pressure you so that they know you are innocent, they investigate and use ingenious methods to find out the killer.
When you play on random servers:
someone: red sus
the whole server: its red/ yes he was following me/ I think its red/ ok its red/ vote red guys
red was not the impostor, 1 impostor remain
Helped me kill all my friends thanks
Helped me kill all my friends thanks
I talk a lot as the In-game leader, for crewmate & imposter.
Most of the time quiet people are suspicious, & you can really influence votes that way
He sus
Hey! I liked this so much! You should for sure work with Bad Friends! Their pranks low-key reminds me of David Dobrik mixed with Faze Clan!
Go check out their YT out and give the crew a like! 👉 #BadFriendsShocking