Among Us Tips and Tricks: HOW TO WIN AS IMPOSTOR

Zombie Rummager
Views: 253293
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An in-depth guide on how to win as impostor! Includes how to get away with kills, how to have an alibi, how to not get voted off, and more!
Bonus tip for those of you who check description: Don’t forget to target confirmed crewmates!!!
Bonus tip for those of you who check description: Don’t forget to target confirmed crewmates!!!
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#ZombieRummager #amongus #tipsandtricks
I know you say that you've never used comms unironically but I have. One game we were in the endgame i killed someone which left me and 2 people they weren't sure who it was of the three but what we did know was that we had literally 1 task left. I was trying to get them to vote somone but they were set on skipping for the last task. As you can probably tell I called comms and won because they couldn't rush tasks.
ok soo i’m trying to know how to sabo admins and realised u should sabo cafe and storage
This comment is here 2 help with the YouTube algorithm
If someone accuses you of being impostor just say “no u,” it’s worked every time for me
I like to follow someone to a confirmable task and vouch loudly that they are confirmed and safe so that I have an ally who has my back until later game.
Tip for the easiest kill ever that not enough people use (ONLY WORKS ON SKELD)
1) You walk in hallway between above med bay ( between Café and upper engine)
2) You check if someone is on camera's, someone usually is
3) You go into med bay
4) Sabotage security / close the security door
5) Vent from med bay to security and kill the person on cams
6) Vent back to med bay or elec before door opens again
0 chance to be seen, even if there are people at the security door wanting to go in.
They can't see u and you are already gone when the door opens.
I get a kill with it basically every game
Like if it worked for u !!
My guy if you want those subs start hosting your gameplays and maybe show some of your tipa in real games
comment for the yt algorithm.
everytime I'm a crewmate I'm always scared to go to electrical I literally always die there
Can I offer you a comment to help with the YouTube algorithm?
Excellent video man. Subbed for sure. One thing that'd be amazing is if you could add a clip for an example after each statement. Like show us you making an alibi after making everyone go reactor when you killed in shields etc. Keep it up man
coms on mira is considered a war crime by my group because of how long it takes and how annoying it is
Something I’d like to tell. If ur playing with 2 or more impostors and the crew mates voted u off, the best u could do is sabotaging. In polus it’s really annoying when the dead impostor keeps sabotaging the seismic thing. And sabotaging comms is very good in polus and Mira hq is the worst map for the impostor coz of its complications.
thx bro 👌
I think the hardest part is that I talk a lot as crewmate. I'm constantly trying to gain evidence, suspicious activity, and potential confirms. So while I'm imposter I have to keep up the detective work while trying to pretend I'm not sus. Convincing people that they couldn't find me because I was "checking for bodies" is always fun.
Great videos, I wish more people would watch this stuff. As you said its mostly common sense but the majority of people that play this game are morons…
I find it so hard to kill when Im buddying up though. Could use more tips on that
you said leave a comment for the algorithm, so… hi algorithm!
Good video
Bro this is so helpful thanks
if i kill in speciment i always sabo light or reactor after the kill,wait a couple of seconds and then go
so they will turn back and i don't risk meeting someone
"hey guys zooombie heere" Is so good
awesome vid!
I do like these tips and tricks but not really helpful if you played the game for a while. Theses tips don’t really help for good players so instead you should make an video talking about specific strategies on the maps. One that I like to do is on Mira and it’s to go to reactor with someone, turn off lights, vent to electrical, and do a quick kill and jump back in the vent to go back to reactor. You get a alibi and won’t be suspicious. I see all these tips and tricks and only find the “normal/ common” things you always should do and not specific strategies, which makes a original video idea
you deserve so much more hype than what you got rn
My boy has grown so much :') on behalf of all the members of BTR, we are proud of you son
All i do to win as imposter is by joining a game and hope to be imposter and if i am then as the game starts and you are imposter everybody leaves
One time i got voted out for no reason as imposter like bruh why
Do different types of players please that would be funny
Another video that explains the different personality in among us is a fantastic idea! Love your content. Hope we see more videos!
I luckily managed to kill someone in spacemen but it was really dangerous
A trick that I do a lot is I would go on my route and find someone walking in the hallway alone doing their job and then I kill them then report it . My alibi is always " I was on my way to 'xy&z' there and I saw this person dead. " then they start blaming each other
There should be a video dedicated entirely on how to have an alibi
Here is some more controls for keyboard.
E: Interact, or Sabotage if impostor, not close to any interactive objects.
R: Report Button
Q: Kill, as Impostor.
Tab: Minimap
heyo dude! i really liked this video. it was very helpful! thanks man. your content is great!
if you turn off lights can it stop them from seeing cams or the only way to keep them from seeing on cams is the comms sabotage
Different types of players: The one who always dies first & is stuck to be Crewmate forever (aka me)
I know the among us ship map is in space but what about the gravity??
I caught an impostor after they sabotaged reactor. Let's just say their not on the ship, that guy was dumb.
Imma spam for that sweet, sweet yt algorithm.
Yt algorithm
if anybody is in a room alone, but ur scared someone will walk in on ur kill, close the doors, kill, vent and they will not see you. thank me later
One thing I like to do is to sabo 02 and admin, if your lucky enough, no one will go to one room so u stay there, and if the time is like 10 sec and someone walks in, kill them and vent
Hey guys.
zOOOOOOOOmbie here.
definitely make a video on types of players