Among Us Tips and Tricks: HOW TO WIN AS IMPOSTOR

Zombie Rummager
Views: 253293
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An in-depth guide on how to win as impostor! Includes how to get away with kills, how to have an alibi, how to not get voted off, and more!
Bonus tip for those of you who check description: Don’t forget to target confirmed crewmates!!!
Bonus tip for those of you who check description: Don’t forget to target confirmed crewmates!!!
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4th but no one cares anyways
Nice video keep it up 👍
Dude your thumbnails are soooo good 🙂
For mira hq it's worth venting to launchpad after a bit to see if anyone's waiting for that task to finish. You'd be surprised at how many people die like that
Underrated channel
I don't talk at all in among us. It stops me from saying something stupid.
whenever i kill someone in specimen i self report so no one can come in on time
As a jojo fan I only have one thing to say
Yes yes yes yes yes
good vid
Finally an imposter guide
Nice I’d like to quickly elaborate on one understated part of sabotaging comms and that’s that it can really slow down body discovery and tasks specifically on polus sabotaging comms is a good idea it disables cameras which it has the most of and vitals which can can be used to find bodies easily, but it also keeps the map from telling you where your tasks are meaning people will definitely still go to it, it’s still a pretty situational sabotage but it’s good to use if tasks are getting closer to being completed
Sabotaging comms disables all security systems (Cameras, DoorLog, Admin) and Crewmate features (Task bar and personal map), so if I see a camera blinking or I need to fake a task I usually like to comms sabotage
On Mira it is useless though.
Edits: comms disables vitals too!
2: Disabling DoorLog may actually prevent new entries from being logged, so that's neat. It's still the most useless security system though, don't bother.
3: Disabling comms prevents new DoorLog entries from appearing!
This guy needs at least 5x the subscribers he has now
Something I do sometimes as Imposter is after a few kills, I call an emergency meeting to despawn the bodies (take careful note of people with pets and make sure to modify your alibi to not be in the room they died in), ask who has verifiable tasks, see who last saw the people we killed, and mostly be truthful about where I was. This accomplishes a few things:
1. Despawn bodies, making it harder to pin things on me
2. Find my next targets: the people who have verifiable tasks
3. Creates an alibi that will check out for the most part (modified as needed)
4. Show initiative in trying to figure out who the imposters are, which makes me seem trustworthy early on
Speaking in terms of polus (best map), comms is a great round-2 sabotage as two out of the four common tasks are right outside of meeting table. And in most mid/high level lobbies there’s gonna be at least one person keeping track of common tasks, so disabling the task bar is a great way to break their meta strat
You should definitely attempt an among us stereotypes kind of video
5:50 DO IT
Nice vids!!