BATMAN Beginner’s Guide – INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us – All You Need To Know!

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A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! Batman is a rush-down character with great mix-ups and lengthy combos! This tutorial will cover every special move, meter burn, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! Batman is a rush-down character with great mix-ups and lengthy combos! This tutorial will cover every special move, meter burn, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
Xbox 360
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B (character trait)
1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle (character trait)
f = forward
b = back
d = down
u = up
qcf / qcb = quarter circle forward/back
hcf / hcb = half circle forward/back
Thanks for the tips @trueunderdawggaming. I recently got the collectors pack, and favor Batman and Nightwing. I'll practice these moves till I get Batmans combos down.
Do the joker please
I think he meant the translation for the numbers is in the description. The numbers are the "official" FGC notation given to 4-button fighters and Injustice follows that layout pretty closely.
Please do deathstroke
He's next 😉
can you please do harley quinn I will appreciated
She's being uploaded as we speak 😉
56% is the highest ive gotten
yeaah I'm totally subscribing to your channel 🙂
Love your batman combos bro! At the end though, for a simple combo into super, I found 1,2,3 then jump 2, back 1, 3, the super works good. 49% and that's the highest for batman I've gotten
Great playthrough combos! Batgirl is next right?
that was the weirdest and badly timed "i love you" i have heard on youtube, it was funny though
I'm having problems timing the 2, 2, 3 – b+3. I can get the first combo, but not the b+3. Any suggestions?
Honestly, I just hold back and press 3 as fast as possible lol. There's no real timing to it. Also, remember that certain characters have different hit-boxes. So, the combo may not work on them.
ah okay. Yeah I've been like straight button mashing for that one. I really like your combos and they've helped me make some of my own. Thanks for the videos!
they work on all the timing is just very strict
make more ttt2 guids pllease
I love you to
Its funny to me when you say I love you cause I never hear any YouTube commentators say it its to funny
That's because no other commentators love their viewers as much as I do 😉
Annotations for your second combo at 2:26 is wrong. Inputs are 1,2,3, for mindgames not 2,1,3,
Thanks, it is fixed now.
I think 2,1,3 at 1:56 is wrong as well
at 2:46 it say qcf+2, not qcf+1. Other than that, amazing tutorials! Thanks a bunch!
hey if you have a xbox account add me KOREYTHEDRAGON lets play.
Can u do green arrow
Oh thanks 👍
Where is wiiu button translation?
Great tutorials man
i love these tutorials but the nightwing one was my fav lol 🙂
Wish I heard of these when injustice was new…
3 years later I still play this game… My fav batman combo is 223, jump 2, uppercut, back+23
I cannot see the combos
Thanks a lot man, preparing for injustice 2
dafuq is a bread and butter combo?
Where a legend was born
I was here, when it all started, good times. So fun how the narration has evolved throughout the years 🙂
The legend was born
Oh Man, i am watching it in 2020
OMFG his vid is great frm the begining.
2020 and still watching.
Hey guys look first comment in years
You sound so young in this video
0:00 a legend was born
Your voice is still the same😂
300000 subs now. Crazy how far we’ve gone.
0:00 where the legend was born
Man that Cheeto bag he’s talking into must be cool
Wake up