Injustice: Gods Among Us – Clash System Guide

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I walk you through the ins and outs of Injustice’s Clash System Mechanic. Be aware that this was done on the PS3 version of the DEMO and is subject to change.
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I cant do it. At ps4 how do you do it please. Help
Good stuff, I don't get what's the input to initiate a wager though, and if you said it in the video I must have missed it lol.
great vid. subbed.
isnt that "green" clash bar yellow?
Oh gotcha, when i typed that i thought maybe you have a colour blindness. But yeah its a bar and that should do it 😀
This was really helpful. I never actually noticed the little shield and sword symbols since they go by so fast, so I didn't even understand how it decided between extra health and more damage. I was hoping the game game would have an explanation on the disc, but now I get it for when I'm messing around on the demo.
Thank you, the demo should've explained things like this!
man, I couldn't get it to work on the 360 demo…
I did once before watching this video by accident (or the computer did)
NOOO i'm all green 😉
Thank you for the video SUPER HELPFUL!!
I see what you did there.
didn't really help
I dont understand what determines the winner/looser and how to be sure to win the clash? is there a specific moment to bet the EX bar amont?
yeah definitely helpful, thanks a lot ! i didnt know that if you bet the most you will be sure to win the clash. Sorry if you already explained that in your video but english in not my mothertong (and there is no french explaination video about that yet:)
any way, thx again!
Green bar? To me it looks like yellow ,do you suffer from color blindness?
The hardest part seems to just be initiating the clash.
the problem is the AI in this game always seems to know when to best use the clash system and i'd say is 99% guaranteed to win clashes… which is frustrating… against human players the system is pretty fair was a helpful video ….
So just always bet the max and you win???
So who ever bets the most wins?
Worst part of Injustice…….so confusing…..
KingBlackToof I think I notice as I play when the clash system is initiated lets say the attacker spend an amount of two meter bars or even one meter bars and its successfull he/she loss all their meter bars 😮 while the defender spend one meter bars and is not successfull gets to keeps the rest of the bars left over.
also to be sure the clash is not like if the player press square the other player needs to guess to win the bet?
nice dude. this helped.
From my experience, it seems like the computer know when they will win or lose…
If they know they're going to lose, they don't wager anything. Meaning they get to keep their meter.
If they know they're going to win, they place a wager.
They will never wager part of their meter and lose.
Broken system 🙁
button combo to activate??
The Clash is the "comeback mechanic" of the game. I think it's pretty balanced, really. There's crazy metagame with the system as you NEVER wanna wager full meter. This game has so many high damage combos and resets that are meter-dependent so you want to save it.
33% health gain sounds like a lot but when the avg combo does around 25-30 it makes it pointless.
How is that broken? A player can choose to do the same thing, "I can't win, so if I bet nothing then I'll have meter for combos and push-blocks." is a common thought. However, you can use that to your advantage, just bet one bar even if the opponent has three, if you have four they might not bet and you win the clash for 1 bar and still have 3 left to fight with. Not broken, you just have to think about it. You have the same options the computer does and you have the intelligence to exploit it.
uh..u keep saying something about a green bar at the top..I DONT SEE ANY FREAKING GREEN BAR AT THE TOP!! what the hell are u talking about? this video just makes the clash system more confusing, im so lost.
You don't even have to mash, you can just hold down forward and RT/R2.
haha I like the expression. I'm 90% certain you can just hold it and it'll come out as soon as it can. I was doing it today in practice mode testing Scorpions clash dialogue.
I had no idea what that yellow bar was at the top till now. Explains why i could never clash when i wanted to
I hope they don't put the clash in a sequel. Clashes get so annoying in fights.
Finally a video showing how its done the right way. Subbed and liked!
A rarely win regardless
Not working out how do I block The characters won't hit me
Which button do you press to do the wager
this doesn't explain shit
What button do you press to start it it sounds like you use you power meter button to start it but I maybe wrong can you tell what button do you press to start
WTF just fucking tell us how to start the freaking clash???!!!!
Can you be any more obnoxious,God shut up
why not bet the whole thing every time? If you're wining, worst case scenario, you're still winning.