BATMAN Beginner’s Guide – INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us – All You Need To Know!

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A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! Batman is a rush-down character with great mix-ups and lengthy combos! This tutorial will cover every special move, meter burn, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! Batman is a rush-down character with great mix-ups and lengthy combos! This tutorial will cover every special move, meter burn, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
Xbox 360
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B (character trait)
1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle (character trait)
f = forward
b = back
d = down
u = up
qcf / qcb = quarter circle forward/back
hcf / hcb = half circle forward/back
Yo bro can you please reply to me it would make my day
And to think this was gonna be like MK vs DC and be somewhat simplified. Glad they upped the depth on it. Especially Batman
Yeah, he's way different and this game feels nothing like MK lol. Takes some getting used to. It's definitely its own style of fighting game.
plz plz do a shazam guide
is there costume damage?
Characters costumes do get worn and torn as the fight goes on. I'll try to get on that Shazam guide 😉
I like the new format for the beginner's guides. Seems more professional.
Yeah, funny story about that. Somebody stole my headphones so now I'm forced to do post commentary. Ended up being a good thing though lol. The videos are a lot better now 😉
tysm and is there blood like n mk
The Shazam guide is here! Dedicated to you! The first person to request a character 😉
:O tysm!!!!!
Would love a joker guide 😀
Thank you! I was hoping somebody would ask for that! He's a ton of fun and actually quite powerful.
I have seen all of your beginner guides videos! DUDE U ARE AWESOME!! But can I ask u sth? How can u rememeber all these combos to all the characters?? And u do them correctly? Its training only?
She can! I do really want to do one about her 😉
I'm a Green Arrow that's fairly decent. But I've got no ideas on how to expand on the few strings I already use. Any plans for a GA guide?
Yeah, but he's a ways down the road. Check out Chris G in tournaments. He's very good with him.
In your opinion, do you think green arrow is a well balanced character
Oh yes. Very much so. A lot of professional tournament players use him.
where is the combo guide in the description? can you please put them in there. I have a lot of good batman combos but i still wish to try yours out as well. thank you