‘Canister Method/ Trick’ Tutorial Guide – Among Us

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Hey guys I’m back with another video, finally I get to explain what the ‘Canister Method’ is all about.
My Discord Server:
The ‘Canister Method’ is a MEME on my channel.
My Discord Server:
The ‘Canister Method’ is a MEME on my channel.
Basically The ‘Canisters’ “tell” you what to do.
Ex: Vote out imposters
In reality you just find out who the Impostor is and say “The canisters told me to vote out *insert color here*”
I created the ‘Vital Method’ which doesn’t work anymore
Now basically people use the ‘Vital Method’ as a Free Pass to vote someone out without evidence.
The ‘Canister Method’ is the opposite of the ‘Vital Method’, it’s where you tell people who impostor is without proof. I only recommend doing this when you KNOW who the impostor is.
You get me?
Thank you guys so much for 17K, when I hit 20K i’ll have something special for you guys.
until next time,
keep smiling,
– smilekay 🙂
Bro I saw u on google for canisters method
so its a joke
so its a joke
The canisters never lie
Ah sos re trol
Imma try this next time I know someone is the imposter because of their behavior (yes sus). Every time I get killed because I never said anything 😥 Canisters help me please
He spend our time to understand the video😂😂
This is so dumb lmao
Everybody gangsta until the canisters fly
Yea it works bro
this is not legit dont fall for it
I forgot how to get to the description 🙁
Its work lol thx to you that u can show the method i literally guess the 2 Impostor 1 game LOL deserve a sub
Bro- i tried this and it actually worked-
Hi dude I was the one playing with you i was jarboi the one who was wearing the red beanie
Its so hard to understand the "canister method" even I watch full video and read the description
Well, actually, the vital method does work, but it's incredibly hard. You have to watch like a hawk. The reason it does work, is likely because you do disappear from the map. I have a 100% guess rate with the heartbeat method. So I do think you should not discount the vitals, as the heartbeats are legit, just it can feel kinda cheaty. You might only get away with using it once or twice, else the impostors will camp you.
I use this trick, and yeah i been killed.
among us game from yesterday (polus, final 4)
me (blue): where was the body
green: electrical
brown: blue was with me i was doing canisters
me: yeah, what did the canisters say?
brown: canisters say purp
purple: i say its not
purple was the impostor
Me: doesn’t understands then it tells me in the description
My mind: oh it explains everything in the description so I just have to read the description and I’ll understand
Me realising I need discord:
I don’t have discord and I don’t know how to use it cuz I probably need to sign up!
(P.s if I’m wrong about the “sign up” bit then let me know)
I read the description and I still don’t understand
But how did the canisters tell you cyan
Proof canister method is real: i had no proof other than cyan and black teamed: canisters told me it was cyan or black.. it was cyan
So where’s the actually tutorial
I use the canister method everytime if i need do say a proof that (color) is an impostor
Dude I tried this meme as a joke on a real legit game on among us and when I got the canisters task I finished it and then when there is body reported I just pick some random dude and then the next word I said "the canisters never lie" the other crewmates voted at him and then THAT DUDE IS THE IMPOSTOR!!!!?!?!??!! I was shoked at that moment that is 10000% not joke
The Canisters are pretty much like Blaza’s Golden Coin. Why?
Both of them never lie
Its big brain time
C l i c k b a i t
What do you mean with "to speak" with the canisters??? 🤔🤔🤔 yes I already read the description but I literally just don't understand 😂
I literally don't get it even when I read the description 🤔😅
This is so fake it doesn't evan show us him talking to the canisters this channel sucks
The vitals method works but the canisters don't!? 🙄😒😑
ban the people that got me banned becasue they got me banned for no reason i did nothing on the discord server
Heyy u naughty heyy u naughty
Canisters lied for me big sad
How to " talk " to canisters , pls tell me
How do you talk to canister
Wait does it have the name on the can or like it has a voice and speaks? Cause idk still sadly
Wow canisters never lie
But sadly I can't talk with canisters bc im deaf
i still cant do it
"#1 It fits the lore of Among Us"
Game theory time?
the canisters has a ghost.😂😂😂😂😂
It’s confusing
This can't be real-
Plot twist: he was planned with his people in discord.
reason: the people have the method canister task and will tell who is the impostor and the impostor would said "me" in discord
edit: OR he use game chat on previous meeting and he zoomed to people among us people so he will get a lot of views am i right?
#canister op