DEATHSTROKE Beginner’s Guide – Injustice: Gods Among Us – All You Need To Know!

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A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! DeathStroke is a well-balanced character with great keep-away and a decent rush-down. This tutorial will cover every special move, their meter burns, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
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A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! DeathStroke is a well-balanced character with great keep-away and a decent rush-down. This tutorial will cover every special move, their meter burns, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
Xbox 360
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B (character trait)
1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle (character trait)
f = forward
b = back
d = down
u = up
qcf / qcb = quarter circle forward/back
hcf / hcb = half circle forward/back
For some reason I can't get his "Low Shots" special move to work. It would seem like it's a standard special move.
Wake up
If u tryna main deathstroke play on the Atlantis map and go back to the water wheel and gun the opponent from their, if they get to close press right bumper to interact with water wheel (it will send opponent across map), repeat process until victory
When ever I play Deathstroke I just stay close and hit quick and stay mobile
1.back dash
2.back dash
3.D,F+2 untill the end
4.U MAD?
Let's hope that people will start playing Deathstroke legit instead of spamming with him after watching this. Then, that'll motivate me to go get the game.
That will only work on beginner's. Most players know how that move is negative on block and will just dash up until they get close enough. Either that, or they can counter-pick with Raven, Black Adam, Superman, and any other character with a real zoning game. His tools aren't meant to play keep-away.
He doesn't break the game that much, actually. It's true that most players use him that way, but they aren't very hard to beat. There are a ton of ways to get around DeathStroke's keep-away.
Too bad I'm one of those beginners,if someone picks deathstroke I start panic and lose lol
Awesome tutorial! I would love to see a Lex Luthor tutorial
I would love to see Killer Frost
some characters get eaten hard by him tho…
who do you use
Why was Slade the most requested character? You guys are all losers.
Green Lantern
I am not really feeling the love UnderDawg where is Harley.
I'm sorry 🙁 I really want to do her and I do read your comment every time. It's just that the majority of viewers want characters like Green Lantern, Grundy, Aquaman, Superman and so on. I may do Harley just because I feel like it and you regularly ask for her. Let's do it 😉
green arrow next please 😀
I was just teasing bro but thanks for the comment. You guides help me out alot and she looks like she could be the best character. Keep up the good work.
The rifle fire? She can duck that? I swear I tried and it didn't work. Definitely couldn't jump over, as I jump like crazy lol.
Where is Green Arrow guide? Hope u do the whole roster its pretty cool short and simple
I plan to lol. Except for easy characters like Sinestro maybe.
As long as you don't block, most characters can duck his machine gun. You can always just dash in and block too.
Yes, characters like Bane will have a very difficult time getting in, but that's just fighting game match-ups in general.
They wanted to see if he was more than just a keep-away character. In other words, they wanted to see legit combos with him and not just zoning. An honest thing to want.
Harley Quinn and Green Arrow, and Killer frost
Slade can't zone worth a damn. He can shoot things, and slice things. That's it. I prefer Harley because of her overhead projectile, a.k.a. CUPCAKE, and her large combo-ability. Slade is too easy to predict. I prefer Catwoman's mix-ups, Harley's air control, Killer Frost's Damage, and Raven's zoning.
im failing big time to pull out the 1-2 after the 3-2-3 🙁 any advice¿?
Yup, there the ones that are next lol. Good guess.
It's a pretty small window. You can't mash it out either. Just practice. If you have too much trouble, just end the combo with 3, 2, 3, 1 – qcf+1 instead. It still does decent damage and is very easy to pull off.
yes i was trying to time it, i pulled it off a couple of times starting when cyborg is at DS shoulder level but gotta practice more thanks for the advice!
deathstroke can kiss my ass, most people use him to spam the guns.
I really like Joker and i loved the story episode. But would love it if you could make a video like this for him as well as Ares and Sinestro
Haha gotta love TrueUnderDawg1 for posting the most friendly, beginner-friendly tutorials, keep up the great work brother, hope your channel goes far and makes it big! =)
Was up true underdawg can u do a advance guide for flash
The joker
any good set up for his b+3 ? i havent managed to make a good transition
I'll do advanced guides once most of the beginner's guides are done.
just 1, 2, into his seen in the video. It costs meter, but there's no other way to combo into his b+3.
@Mnuel, I totally hear you man, the combo is quite tricky at first, but I've been practicing it for quite some time now, and finally got it! My tip is: observe Deathstroke as he lands from the 3-2-3, and just as you see him touch the ground, immediate press 1-2, then go for the quick shot. Like TrueUnderDawg mentioned, the window is very small and timing is key in that combo, but with a little practice, I'm sure you'll get it in no time! =D
i know right! i spent a while last night and figured the 3-2-3 landing and have being able to pull it out a few times, gotta practice more tho, wanna play sometime?