FLASH Beginner’s Guide – INJUSTICE: Gods Among Us – All You Need To Know!

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A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! Flash has quick attacks and good mix-ups, but requires meter for most of his high damaging combos. This tutorial will cover every special move, their meter burns, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
A quick Beginner’s Guide that tells you all you need to know and doesn’t waste your time! Flash has quick attacks and good mix-ups, but requires meter for most of his high damaging combos. This tutorial will cover every special move, their meter burns, the most useful attack strings, and some basic Bread & Butter combos (mid-screen and corner)!
Xbox 360
1 = X
2 = Y
3 = A
4 = B (character trait)
1 = Square
2 = Triangle
3 = X
4 = Circle (character trait)
f = forward
b = back
d = down
u = up
qcf / qcb = quarter circle forward/back
hcf / hcb = half circle forward/back
Just came back to this after TrueUnderdog mentioned that he made a guide for every character. And oh my god, the “IIIIIII love you!” Hits me like a truck every time lol
comment#9(red sanic)
Wake up
Main flash here,waiting for the advanced guide
Please do a Black Adam beginner's guide. I want to try him out.
Black Adam is Beast! I guarente you that he is top tier. His movement speed and insane moves alone tell me that lol.
Hell yeah! Fastest man alive!
Great vid
Night wing next
Ok, I'll get to him 😉
So far the order is Shazam, Black Adam, then Nightwing
If you have any recommendations 😉
I always do the characters people ask me to.
I vote for nightwing
These vids are great for learning what moves and combos each character can do. I'm a total noob though, so I get into matches with another person and I have no idea what my strategy should be to win the fight. Some guides for noobs on general fighting strategies might be nice.
Thanks 😉
I hope word gets around quick because he's a really fun character that not many people use.
oh and ty for adding button translation i didnt understand it lol
Nightwing guide is up!
Do catwoman!
What does quarter circle back/forward or half circle forward/back mean?
It's the input on the analog/d-pad.
Quarter circle means "down –> right" or "down –> left"
Half circle would mean "left –> down —> right" or "right –> down –> left"
Basically the special move inputs.
What is "damage scaling"?
Great video. I would like to request Harley. She's extremely fun and has some easy combos, I would love to see what she's capable of.
Can You Explain The Buttons In The Annotation? I Play Ps3 I Dont Know What Like f+2 Is
nvm I Just Saw The Description
Aquaman has my vote for the next video
how do u use that fastest man alive to lightning kick combo every time i try it doesnt work
Superman tutorial
Catwoman guide please!
She can be pretty technical for a melee character.
Oh yeah she's a ton of fun 😉
I already had planned on doing her.
What about WiiU buttons? 🙁
Hawkgirl please
Keep them up like this. Keeping it short, basic and to the point will really help new players.
Anything over five minutes and Joe Schmoe is gonna tune out. This was perfect
Yeah, that's why I hate AvoidthePuddle. They have videos that are almost an hour long! That's too much!