Gears 5 – An Enemy Among Us Achievement Guide

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Must get a KILL w/ each of the 4 required Hijacked enemies, check progress to make sure
– Does NOT need to be done in one play-through
– You can get all 4 by Act 3 Chapter 3. There are more throughout the campaign however so keep that in mind.
Here’s a demonstration along with the 4 earliest spots to find these enemies after unlocking “Hijack” in Act 3 Chapter 1:
(0:21) STUMP – Immediately after unlocking the ability, also near end of Act 3 CH 3
(1:38) WARDEN – Act 3 CH 2 while waiting for Jack to open a welded door, reload checkpoint if necessary
(2:40) POUNCER – Lots of these throughout the rest of the campaign. Act 3 CH 2 has one however if your looking for early Pouncers
(3:14) ELITE HUNTER – Act 3 CH 3 “City Ruins” you face lots of these at one time, great spot.
GEARS 5 Playlist:
Thanks very much! 🤘🏼🇨🇭🤘🏼🇨🇭🤘🏼
Thanks for your time and commentary!
yo just a question for POGO do i get perma banned if i keep getting soft ban