Injustice Gods Among Us Character Guide – Scorpion – Scorpion Combos

GameFront Walkthroughs
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This is a beginner/intermediate guide for how to play as Scorpion in Injustice Gods Among Us
Scorpion Beginner Combos
Scorpion Intermediate Combos
How to Use Scorpion
Scorpion Guide
Scorpion Combos
Scorpion How To
How to Play Scorpion
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Here's a reset combo.Painless Slam, Hell Spin Teleport Punch, Damnation, Teleport Punch, Torment, Bloody Spear (Meter Burn) Inner Power, Shroud of Flames, Torment and Flip kick.This reset isn't too slow so people will usually think it's still an outgoing combo.
Good guide this game was my childhood
Are you guys only going to create guides for DLC Characters now? I really like these guides and they probably aren't the easiest to make. However you guys did create a guide for every character in Mortal Kombat, so I'm just wondering if you guys will follow the same trend.
still wating for the other characters' guide
Great guide as usual Mitch , Hope to see you play Scorpion on your twitch stream! xD
Great video
scorpian's so awesome
Great(sarcasm) I HATED HellFire in MK9 now people will spam it whenever they are far away As a Shazam mainer this is a problem to me. Can anyone tell me if it is punishable(how much ?) does it have a big hitbox catching jumping enemies? Is it like Aquaman's From The Deep special ? With Injustice's ''back to block'' system people will defenately be caught of guard by his Teleport Punch for some infuriatingly cheap loses(you can always press down but.. you get the idea)Great video
Im just ganna play him i cant stand him he is so fucking cheap
he's kina cheap the way people use him
Great guides like always Mitch.
Why U No Make Nightwing Guide?
i know this is a stupid question but what does meter do?
It adds an additional effect to certain attacks if the correct button is pressed. It could be more damage, more hits, more knockback, stun, and other effects. It can also be used to wager, potentially healing you and knocking enemies back. Using up all meter at once causes a super move that does 30 percent damage plus.
These combos are incredible. Definitely going to be practicing these
ok tnx
Wow this is a good guide.
how do you unlock scorpion?