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I have been working on something for a while and I’m glad to finally release it to you guys. This is the first version of the .exe installer for AMONG US PROP HUNT just download and run it!
Newest Among us prophunt video:
if you make guides and gameplay please credit me, neuronz and Ray as the original creators of the mod.
Please join my discord to download this makes it easier for me to update my mods.
Moders that helped me:
Ray :
I am now accepting mod commissions 🙂 gift a loved one a one of a kind among us mod this Christmas!
Contact me at [email protected] for inquiries
My discord:
Add me on tiktok, twitter handle spect0rr
HEY this legit works! although how can we actually put a code for people to join the server?
hi spect0rr love your video and the mod thanks for showing us how to do it!!! i Subbed Like and will keep following your channel and videos
I see you upgraded it 🙂
just found this on google, such amazing mod! havent tried it but will do after im on pc and hope it works!
How do I download it on mobile?
I dont friend to play with
it works but when i go into settings nothing is labelled? So its hard for me to start a game or do anything because its just blank buttons?
About to download the mod, just wanted to ask if there’s a way to revert the mods to play normally ?
My phone won't let me download it
I love your vids!! Just subscribed, keep going :))
Haven't tried it yet but definitely an instant sub for you and Ray. People like you guys deserve so much love and I can't wait to see how far ya go as time goes on. Thanks for supplying the boiz with future laughs and hope to send more subs your way when i show them this!
how can I invite my friends to play with me?
This channel is underrated 😢😢😢😢
Thought this was going to be a scam but it actually worked thanks a ton
Question: can you play with other people not using the mod?
yh but where did u get that among prop hunt installer from???
i downloaded, now how do you play the prop hunt mode? all im seeing is the regular game
hey spect0rr i launched the mod and i couldnt see any text
how do i fix this
How to uninstall it if i want to play normal?
I like how all your apps are in alphabetical order
hey i was just wondering if all players need to have the mod downloaded or only the host needs it? also thank u sm
Wait so what about the mobile mod
When is the mobile version coming?
Am I wrong in thinking that the files linked in the discord aren't these files? I'm beyond fucking confused by that.
thank you
I just installed the mod and it does work. My only question is how to remove names for prop hunt games. Thank you very much for sharing this mod!!!
I love ❤️ your vids keep up the good work my man
How do I do it on phone
where is the download link
Aww I play on a IOS
Ducky sent me
Mobile guide?
What if I’m on moble
I’m on my dads acc so that’s why it looks like I’m an adult
i dont even know how you downloaded the mod, could you show you doing that or something because i cant firgure this out, what my computer does looks very different from what your doing and its confusing
Could you possibly mod among us mobile
How do you do it on mobile
I cant bc were mobile
Send the link
Stupid question but 😅 if the prop hunt is installed in the game. Can it be back to normal game again?
Can you make a tutorial for ios please
Is it only for android 😭
Can u do in the cell phone bacause i don't have a lop top or computer
what abt mobile
how do i make it work on the blue stacks version?
Can u get it o iOS
I need the mobile won
Thanks man keep up the good work
I have a question.
I was imposter once, but I didnt have a kill button or a report. And when I was crew, I had no report button. Did I have to get close to the body? Would the report button pop up then? And when i was imposter, i had no kill, i got a vote win. Is this a bug or is it intended?
How you download it?