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We add a SKINNY Imposter in Among Us
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Mod Maker: @LoafX
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👨🏻🍳 Awesome Video Editor ► Russell
👨🏼🎨 Awesome Thumbnail Maker ► Flash
🎨 Awesome Animator ► David
🎶 Music by Ninety9 ► LivesTobu – Such Fun
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Sunddee is cracked at among us that's why he always wins as imposter or crewmate
I have never eaten food in my life
Bro I felt so bad for zud 😔
Can I get an f in the chat for zud, and henwy too.
Sundee wyc do make amongs fat mod
To be honest Sundee you might want to stop making a fool of yourself when you do that.
Can I play with Mods Sandy
So funny
I've never eaten food so ha
And also how did you get into that among us because when I go into my among us it doesn’t have that can you do a video and teach us how we can go into like those things that have the things in the video in the among us story you know but can you just teach us because I know that you have played among us for a long time because I can tell but in one video and can you just show us how we get like for example to remember the last time that there was the big mouth that could come remember I had the Gummies? Can you teach us that and everybody please leave a like if you want him to💗meow
Pizza pizza pizza pizza d’pizza
And sundee is changing severs until he is the Imposter
Every next round you are the imposter
I can’t like this video because I drink food and eat liquids
If you ever see Henry on the Airship he's down there and where the platform is so he's the dangerous imposter and there's a red dude what's so big he ate the big little snow thing
You see that big lava area little pool that's where the guy bites it
0[that’s how my honey I can show you
You know something when you said everybody if you ever ate food you press the light button everyone needs food Ding-Dong I'm sweet a little innocent angel🤪🤪🤪
How about mommy long legs mod
Mine turned red
you should do men in black
Everybody’s eating food what do you mean???
Shut up. And Amongs
Yeah ❕❕❕❕❕❕❕❕
make a killer kate
in among us
How do you make mods
How do you make mods
You sound do a pizza mod we're all of you are pizza but the Imposter is a rotn pizza
Oh shit the like button turned white not blue how am I alive
There was a frige there bro he didnt see
Hi ssundy you are very good at amongus❤
I know this video has been uploaded 1 year ago, but SSundee… this is the first ever video I've watched, then I started to watch more of your videos. Keep up the awesome videos!😁👍
I wish i was your son and my friends my family and we could be a happy family
Nice one
Sundy do you a Roblox video
Do a fly or die mod in among us
Do a champion mod
HOLA soe Dola
You lied about the like button turning blue SSundee!
MY SKIN IS BURNINGGGG HELP MEEEEE THE SUN IS TOO HOT btw love your videos now lets continoue
I love you Dundee
Your so cool
Bruh we did eat food or we be hungry