The Wolf Among Us Episode 4 Master Librarian Achievement Guide

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What is The Wolf Among Us?
The Wolf Among Us is a new video game in development by Telltale Games. It is designed to be a prequel to the Fables series, detailing how many of the fables escaped their world to join ours.
The main character of the story is Bigby, who is sheriff of Fabletown. During this time period Ichabod Crane is mayor; Snow White is still a bit naive at this point. The story follows Bigby as he investigates a murder, allowing him to interact with many of the well-known fables from the series.
Each decision the player makes as Bigby has consequence. He already has a tenuous relationship with Snow White, and the story fleshes that out. If he chooses to assist (or not) one person, it may also have an effect on how another person might react to him.
Games I intend on playing at some point:
COD Black Ops 2 & MW3
Max Payne 3
Ghost Recon Future Soldier
Forza Horizon + 4
Assassin’s Creed 3
Halo 3 ODST + Reach + 4 + Combat Evolved Anniversary
Family Guy Back To The Multiverse
Hitman Absolution
Farcry 3
Saints Row 3
Dead Island + Riptide
Gears Of War 3 + Judgment
Battlefield Bad Company 2+3
Army Of Two 40th Day + Devils Cartel
Rainbow 6 Patriots
Medal Of Honor Warfighter
Fallout New Vegas
i didn't get it did i miss something is that why i didn't get achievement
6:48 looks like an elephant tusk
Okay…. I got through the WWE Videos faster than I thought I would… yeah I did skip a bit… but I still watched MOST of all the matches lol. NO JERIGOD! I was looking forward to his WIN over Ziggler in their next feud match. ANYWAY… nothing to do with THIS video, sorry… well… pushes play and watches… I LOVED this Episode… was a lot of information, but they didn't waste time getting to it… really well played as well…. NAAA!!! NAAAA!!!!
I would venture to guess "Cindy" could be Cinderella??
I missed 2 book of fables in this chapter
Thx, a bit long though 😉