To The Point: ‘Among Us’, How to play Crewmate (and maps)

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Created with the help of the Hopeless Idiots:
Streamed on Thursdays @
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Crewmate Tips:
Start minute long tasks first
Complete visual tasks only with others
Stick with those who are confirmed crewmate
Common tasks – look for out of the ordinary
Stop the sabotages asap!
Check in on crewmate pairs
Report bodies immediately
Check on vents behind walls
Remember the Tipping point!
Stay on topic
Dont hold grudges (every group has an exception)
Map tips:
Skeld – Crewmates – stick together, easy win!
Skeld – Imposters – Kill quick! Dont let them get together
Polus – Crewmates – be wary of the vents and corner tasks
Polus – Imposters – Abuse the wide open map
Mira – Crewmates – beware the vents, stick together
Mira – Imposters – ABUSE THE VEEEEENTS
Maps: – Skeld –
Mira –
Polus –
Credits for creating Mira and Polus maps:
Official Among us Discord:
Final Track – Daybreaker by Waterflame:-
0:00 Intro
0:51 Crewmate Tips
3:42 Crewmate Discussions
5:51 Map Tips
Got it all wrong you have to spam
BLUE vented or Red vented and get them kicked iut
When in doubt vote stan out
This is like Khan Academy 2.0 Except for a video game
0:29 bro you didn’t report it
Ur impostor tips helped alot. I killed someone in a room. Someone was gonna walk in. I sabotaged reactor. And he abandoned it lol
yo ur real stuff i love ur advice
This guy's voice is surprisingly attractive.
A good portion of these tips go out the window if you play the "right" way with visual task off. Keeping visual task on is easy mode for crewmates
when you see someone kill and run away so you report the body and you get voted for self reporting
when you also get voted because you report a body when nobody else is near
when your friend says he will not kill you but he kills you anyway
when you find 2 bodys but you dont want to report everyone and look like you are self reporting but then you get voted for not reporting the body
What if my group disable visual tasks tho
Mira is not that hard of a map as an impostor as you think, if you're trying to win ad impostor on Mira, you've got to think smart, I only have like 2 impostor losses on that map.
When almost everybody in kpop are playing this and since my biases are playing… i need to learn it nao 😆😆
You can also easily see if an impostor is venting in Mira by checking admin.
Tip for Skeld, when lights go out, go to lower engine and stand in the top right corner, from there you have a view of the electrical vent and the Security vent, which you can see open and close through walls, most people vent to security after a kill because medbay is always 'Sus' due to theres little to no reason to be there alone for an amount of time above 5 seconds, so when you see the vent in Electrical open, then Security, walk over to Security door to see who it was and report it, they will have vented due to escaping from a kill, so you should be safe but still be careful
How to know the common tasks??
Thank you for making this I watched the imposter video too if really helped!
1:57 when I'm a crewmate I quite often don't have the key task yet the lots of the others do, sometimes I get voted out for not having them then they see I genuinely was innocent and didn't have that task
Tip: if someone says in chat to follow them to a visual trash to prover there innocents, don's make everyone vote them out.
trust me, I was playing with friends and they kept on doing this, even though I was innocent
whats the music
Imposters: hmm intresting
3:08 this tip is very affective but risky and I managed to perform that once
I don't understand 2:01
What visual tasks does Miror and Polus have? Sorry if I spelled that wrong.
Love your work man, thank you!
Reasons i subbed
1. Great tips
2. Well layed out video format
3. Amazing voice
I’d listen to you but you seem kinda sus
Theres is actually a crewmate guide, and they said it couldnt be done.
Orange in 0:28: * kills pink *
Everyone: Understandable.Have a great day.
The probs with this is, when u play with random people and try to tell them a strategy they'll immediately vote u out "cause u talk to much"
Believe it or not it isnt suspisious to exist.
his voice makes me want to pay attention
God save the queen
I'm sexy
Orange: *Literally kills Pink in front of everyone, then books it*
Them: Understandable, have a great day
"im sexy"
In the description, oh my, it is funny.
And try to get some information out of every single player in the game and don't be lazy at figuring out who is who like most randoms do.
veri gud vid. U have a new sub 😀
'If there is 1 imposter and 2 crewmates, you must eject! Otherwise you are giving them the win'
Me who used this tip and still lost because I was stupid to vote a crewmate: Excuse me, what the useless f
Mira is also the most tedious map to deal with a comms breakdown, as it requires two players to be in two different places
So basically:
* stick together.
*don't lose each other.
*choose to group with people that are likely innocent.
* vents are bad, stay away.
*The vents are your life, live in them.
*kill people farthest from the emergency button.
*kill people that are alone.
*more vents.
*Oh, did I mention vents?
Nice SR Team reference there.
Dude you have the exact same pacing as "The Internet Historian"
Are you the same person 😮
Or when someone blames you because you saw them doing impostor things. I always say "fine vote me out, but promise if it's not me you vote them out" gotta make sacrifices
You remind me of the sekiro guru
i never went to other maps before, only skeld
but this will help me alot
Amazing video, great channel, unfortunately really underrated.
Grouping hella annoying tho