To The Point: ‘Among Us’, How to play Crewmate (and maps)

Leave a comment below for the next tutorial you think I should make
Hopeless Idiots Discord:
Created with the help of the Hopeless Idiots:
Streamed on Thursdays @
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Crewmate Tips:
Start minute long tasks first
Complete visual tasks only with others
Stick with those who are confirmed crewmate
Common tasks – look for out of the ordinary
Stop the sabotages asap!
Check in on crewmate pairs
Report bodies immediately
Check on vents behind walls
Remember the Tipping point!
Stay on topic
Dont hold grudges (every group has an exception)
Map tips:
Skeld – Crewmates – stick together, easy win!
Skeld – Imposters – Kill quick! Dont let them get together
Polus – Crewmates – be wary of the vents and corner tasks
Polus – Imposters – Abuse the wide open map
Mira – Crewmates – beware the vents, stick together
Mira – Imposters – ABUSE THE VEEEEENTS
Maps: – Skeld –
Mira –
Polus –
Credits for creating Mira and Polus maps:
Official Among us Discord:
Final Track – Daybreaker by Waterflame:-
0:00 Intro
0:51 Crewmate Tips
3:42 Crewmate Discussions
5:51 Map Tips
Kal sus
Due to getting imposter 7 times in a row my friend group has made the decision to automatically assume I am an imposter in every situation. Yes, I actually got Imposter seven times in a row.
What’s your twitch? I couldn’t comment on your newest video soo
With the tips on the imposter vid I was able to get a person out when there were only 2 cremates left
I used the tips and I destroyed the imposter
Please play this game
Playing with friends:
Friend 1: Red is the imposter
Friend 2: ok so how do you know that?
Playing with randoms:
Random 1: I think it’s red.
Random 2: yes indeed it’s red because it’s my least favourite colour.
Cool videos you should make one on the settings next and maybe which ones are considered the "best" most balanced etc
We were playing on 1.5x speed, fast crew right? Apparently Lime thought I vented because I was in electrical, after I helped him in reactor, after he took a detour
things to always keep in mind know the vent layout knowing where a imposter can run to is a great way to put someone ns sus
You saying the names: Last one is Stan
If in doubt vote stan out
i have a very stupid question, why don't everybody stick together and do the tasks one by one ?
This is so helpful, you deserve atleast 500K subs
thanks for the tips
dad hasn't gotten up yet, is that part of tutorial?
I'm watching this as I died first and did all the tasks.
this is a most boring part of the game.
me: What??? Why did everyone be like I saw no body
I mean, i really like your points and i loved the video, i just really didn't understand that ranking of maps in the ending, like, mira hq is obviusly the hardest map for crewmates, the vents so op, only 1 visual task, and the skeld is incredibly good for crewmates, because of its 4 visual tasks and cctv, and polus is the most fair one
2:25 – He Do Be Quick
Please make more videos!
1,000th comment
1000th comment
Can u do a cod video?
Guys!!! Urgent news!!! You NEED to spread the word!!! At the beginning of the match, or before it starts (if you have time), demand a buddy system. Have everyone stick together with 1 other person, and make sure everyone knows the pairs. When one player in a pair dies, the other is the most likely culprit. This makes it a LOT harder for the imposter, but for those of us who like a challenge, or like legendary players like 5up and blitz, it makes things interesting. Now go! Spread my message! I dream of a day when buddy system will become a well-known protocol. I dream of a day where among us is changed forever!
I love that voice… can you guys reply me what is the name of that voice…
i made sure to pause and go win 1 game. i was proven innocent by witness. someone saw me go into weapons room to shoot asteroids, and everyone else but one person admitted to not having done the asteroids task. they vented him and he was imposter and we won. good times.
Was everyone on their phones or something?
Thank you so much. Called out my friend who was doing"keys" when we had swipe card. He got mad XD and I got called a tryhard
Can you please tell how to do sabotages?
I hope you atleast won 1 game.
I wrecked the imposter in my first game.
does this guy litteraly only have 3 videos!?
Thx for the help bro💪🏼❤️
I have to say, this is an amazing video as a whole. Good editing, plenty of humor, and the tips were great. Keep it up!
i cant play with friends without any friends
Wait a second
I was a pro whole time?
The fastest way to win as the imposter in the skeld (or however you spell it) from what I’ve seen is to get the oxygen down first. More often then not people rush putting the numbers in and end up failing or they just don’t get there in time. And hey, if they do manage to get the oxygen then mess with the lights. It’s the easiest way to kill multiple people within one round.
5:39 BRO IM DYING 😂😂😂
Mira best map, fite me aboutt it
Red sus
What i do is i go security and stay there
can you do how the tasks work?
The longer a game goes on for me, the more likely I am to win as an imposter. I think I just play too passive
How to be good at being a crewmate:
1. Get friends
Me: guess I'm bad at among us
2:27 the orange guy just eat the pink and all of them didnt noticed hahaha like if you noticed if he/she was eaten
How do you know which tasks are shared amongst everybody?
It's important to note that there are two garbage tasks (on skeld)
I….the white ghost was me…
Thats sus i think hes the Imposter