To The Point: ‘Among Us’, How to Play Imposter
What you’ve all been waiting for 🙂
Leave a comment below for the next tutorial you think I should make
Hopeless Idiots Discord:
Created with the help of the Hopeless Idiots:
Streamed on Thursdays @
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Imposter Tips:
Lone Kills are bae
Use admin, find loners, stab stab
Jump in vent when kill ready, jump stab jump
Kill timer stops in vent
Closer to vents the better
Dont kill those you’ve hung around a lot
Drive by kills, Double kills, Stacked kills, and Spawn kills are so delicious
Kill those proven innocent and leave alive the idiots
Dont just run around, pretend to task
If down to final 4, lie on emergency meeting and eject, then kill
Always fix sabotages
Discussion tips:
Don’t overtalk unless you’re Goldwyn
Let idiots argue
stall for time, jokes are good
Don’t kill your imposter friend, buuuuut do sometimes
Don’t try and get random innocent crewmates out, have proof or a reason
Have a plan Stan!
Maps: – Skeld –
Mira –
Polus –
Credits for creating Mira and Polus maps:
Ninja Dojo credit :-
Official Among us Discord:
0:00 Intro
0:20 Imposter Tips
4:45 Imposter Discussions
its really sad when a person u secretly starts to like kills u or accuse u for no reason 🙁
I love your animated voice.
Totally unrelated to the video, but his voice sounds like johnny depp.😂😂
Another move if you get caught by a body but they didn't see you kill them just don't say anything in chat till a after you're brought up before they all vote for you and say you were afk
"Leave alive those who are dumb."
This part doubles as advice for crewmates who want to survive longer.
This guy sounds like the LEGO worlds narrator
Why blue man look like a perc 30
I got my sneaky boots
Boring ass game.
Unfortunately, it cannot help with my biggest problem: thimbs too big and phone to small. So many accidental kills and/or self reports >.>
This is why visual tasks should be turned off and ejects should be on
3:39 id believe the person who said that the card task as being tricky
Ur pfp is a perc
There's a reason I hate doubles imposter public games. When I'm the other imposter they always immediately toss me under even when I haven't scored a kill.
I like the part at 1:55
Your chances of success will….
lone kills are bAe
i fkn love this person
You see this would be great until your imposter pair decides to keep using your sabotage cool down on the reactor even though everyone is in security
I just finished a match and I was the imposter, I tricked everyone so good lol, ama tell how to do it, ok so first you wanna act normal, you don’t want to follow people, if you run into someone and they go the same way as you, turn and go the opposite way, make sure you are in a please with no cameras or anybody more than the person your gonna kill, when you kill them, your gonna run from the body and act normal, when someone finds the body, you act like you are a normal person, for example, I was like, “who, where”, vote and chat so you don’t act or look suspicious, if someone walks in on you after you killed someone and then they report and say it was you, just say like I did, “I was gonna report but My game froze for a sec”. lol
how have I gotten to this point
I built myself a reputation for not shutting up. When I'm not typing 3 lines in a row in 2 seconds they vote me out because they assume I'm trying to do the silent killer strategy
god help me
One time I was getting found out so I said: "Aight the other imposter is blue."
Then the actual other imposter, Cyan, went on and killed blue. And I started yelling at him in ghost chat.
This chat is gold!
There was this one round in imposter that just felt so good and smooth.
Me and purple were imposters, but let’s just say, purple wasn’t a good imposter and got caught after his second kill, after that I managed to gain multiple alibis by completing sabotages and being with people alone and not killing them, the round went on a little longer until they called a emergency meeting, and then they were pointing there fingers at mostly everyone (except me lol) and it just felt so good to manipulate them, they voted off a couple crew members until there was 5 people left, at this moment I was just faking sabotages like lights and reacter, but everyone got sus of brown because he was always late, then after brown was voted off (he almost costed me the game as he told them I froze during a sabotage which was a close call) I then did reacter sabotage and faked it immediately, but dark blue stayed behind and called a emergency meeting and accused light green, to which I vouched for him, which led to dark blue getting voted off, then only three of us were left, I think you know what happened next, I sabotaged reacter and then killed one of them securing my victory
It makes me mad that I have been crewmate 78 times and imposter 4 times. Seriously. I looked at my stats
Me: plays among us with friends
My friends: not muting and saying things like "ugh this task"/ (or anything to make it obvious that their innocent)
Me in the call muted: 😔
We’re those sonic s feet
why do you sound like the google translate guy
I hate playing imposter lol the easiest way is to play in a group that isnt paying attention and cut off the o2
i love when pink Said "it was that little orange"
I often kill the lights and lock the room right after killing someone.
Another tip kill those who have suspected you
Okay I got two imposter wins yesterday, buahahah! luckily I watched this before x)
Every time I kill the game automatically reports the death what am o doing wrong?
The amount this has helped is indescribable
Thank you
for me talking less is #1 tip!!!! Or as I saw in another video, act dumb and say dumb stuff. There was this person just typing out shakira lyrics one time and nobody ever suspected them.
0:38 another trick is if the red light on the camera is flashing, that means someone is watching in security. it stops flashing when no one is on cams.
when youre never imposter:
one thing that was really sad and i was about to win then somebody called emergency meeting LITERALLY as i was about to kill.
they accused me and i said yup.
the other dude thought i was good but then o
yeah that stunk ;(
He became the master of the sherlock
You became the master of an imposter
Lazarbeam:Hides in plain sight
Another thing to note is that your kill cooldown will not recharge if your doing a task
Like sabotages
I just pretend to refuel engines then sabo o2 then I win
Literally nobody
Cyan: red sus
watching this video because last time, I did so shit playing at imposter that when the game was finished, everyone assumed a bug happened that caused nobody to become imposter. I was that bad.
Idk how to play can someone help me and just get to the point and tell me how
So perfect