Among Us Tips and Tricks: HOW TO WIN AS IMPOSTOR

Zombie Rummager
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An in-depth guide on how to win as impostor! Includes how to get away with kills, how to have an alibi, how to not get voted off, and more!
Bonus tip for those of you who check description: Don’t forget to target confirmed crewmates!!!
Bonus tip for those of you who check description: Don’t forget to target confirmed crewmates!!!
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#ZombieRummager #amongus #tipsandtricks
What is the shields tho?
Im actually really good at crewmate but im the worst at imposter… like the absolute worst
how do u get a dummy-?
Is this tfanpage101 or rtgame
Thats me
hey when i play as impostor i get affected by light sabotage while some people don't, how does this work
Idea to trick players, kill in navigation, then sabotage O2, vent to hall when noone there, they check left of map, nope, then they are too busy to check nav, then when they report they saw you going to the sabo and the match vouches for you
Nice work
Man im a shit imposter lol this helped
Lmao one time I was following red bc I wanted to seem sus even though I was crew mate and I kept following them and they killed me lol karma is a bch
I get impostor with my halo when im color white all the time so dis helps.
did u know u can do this
looks like among us crewmate right?
I like to not kill in the first few rounds just to get that alibi
if i had trick i would say..DOWNLOAD A MOD LMAO
I’m fr always crew, yet people always think it’s me.
10:22 I did something once where I turned off the lights while I was going down decon, killed them in specimen near someone that was doing a task, then I went around the center table and someone else came in and reported the body while lights were still off. other guy said he was right there, we voted him off.
comment for the youtube algorithm
In the first map i discovered that killing in cafeteria while the lights are off is good idea
It's less suspicious place to kill and wide open so less people will be able to see you and you can easily escape to weapons and navigation just turn off the lights before you entered the cafeteria
I just watched this video, played as impostor and won with literally no effort
Tip: When caught killing someone, report the body and then blame it on the witness
noice vid
how uhh about maybe "how to be imposter every time"
How to be imposter:
1) look for tasks, not crew mates. When you find a crew mates alone, lock the door, kill, and vent away.
2) if it’s the first 30 seconds and you get your first kill, NEVER self report. You look suspicious being so quick to report at the beginning of the game.
3) Never be aggressive. The more defensive you are, the more suspicious you look. Make sure you spend at least a few minutes faking tasks in front of the crew, and have an alibi
4) Watch out where you vent.
5) Act like a crew mate, just with the ability to kill someone
For specimen sabotage the lights and you’ll get out fine cuz you can see the crew mates but they won’t see you and you can then say your somewhere else. Or nobody is there lights are out and you got a clean kill.
for the YouTube algorithm
Wait you guys are being impostor?
ye nice vid thx!
Great video thanks but I have a question, how do you fake a medbay scan
If your sus, just dont be sus.. duhh
Tips for among us survival for all roles: never wear red color.. just dont.
Something i do when i play with friends its that i always act sus when im crewmate so that my friends would not know the difference when im impostor uwu.
"sabotage on the other side of the map"
the person who doesn't care about sabotages: you will?
The problem with this game is that if you enter a lobby with retarded potheads and a person randomly accuses you for an example: faking task and going vent, and then they all believe him and gets you voted off for no reason.
there's something i always have a problem with if im impostor. everyone in the whole room joins up and basically moves everywhere as a group, and its impossible to separate them. even if i do something like calling a sabotage, everyone is still mostly in a group, and if i kill someone who went off on their own, ill be sussed instantly. it seems like an unbeatable strategy, so is there any way to counter it? this happens every single solitary time i get impostor and im just sick of it.
I thought Laurenzside would be in this comment section
In Mirai HQ, literally everyone has a task on admin
If you sabo comms in Mirai HQ, no one can tell that you vented by looking at the security. Because in comms, if someone moves from North to South in such a short amount of time, you can tell they vented or they’re just really fast.
PRO TIP: when you are imposter, pretend to do a task.
If people are watching, wait until the bar goes up, so people think you did a task!
Immediately leave after, make sure no delays or it’s sus.
Thanks I won my first game!!!
For me, Impostors are usually beginners. and they kill someone in front me. Many know im impostor because they say i smart talk too much and it's true,
Tip: As crewmate, you can check on admins where people are going, if you see one constantly go somewhere and they go to another place means they vented and are the could risk it and check. if lucky call meeting and have your evidence ready to get em.
TIP: Find a way to betray another Imposter
Ex. – Try to catch them killing someone.
Gain the crew's trust by saying: "It's (Color)! I saw him. If it's not him, vote me next round."
Eliminate the other imposters, but don't raise suspicions by just randomly ratting out another Imposter without evidence, and if the crew sees that the guess is correct, that guarantees you're an imposter, since you obviously know who the other imposters are.
“IGL” type of players are really annoying tbh, and they usually have really annoying voices too
what should you do if somebody says they saw you fake a task? like I dont know what to say besides "uh I did it" ya know?
lauren needs to see this lmao
wasted 12 minutes of my life. you should stop making videos about this game. as you're trash af
Tbh the first tip can also backfire bc if you're the only person who wasn't at the sabotage fixing and they find a dead body, high iq players might figure it's you-