Among Us Tips and Tricks: THE SKELD

Zombie Rummager
Views: 170709
Like: 4982
A full, in-depth guide for both crewmates and impostors on THE SKELD. In my opinion, this is the least complicated map in Among Us, so I thought I would make this tips and tricks video about it AFTER the other two. Among Us is a game similar to mafia, where there are crewmates (innocents) and impostors (mafia). Among Us is really blowing up on Twitch right now, and I’ve been playing it a lot, so I’m hoping this guide / tips and tricks video helps some newer players!
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#ZombieRummager #amongus #tipsandtricks
I was once voted first without killing anyone yet coz my name was Trump2020
Comms sabotage is only useful when you kill someone in a room and someone is on cams and you don’t want them to see you come out
no navigations isnt the hardest shields is
24 credits is for people who have mental probs lol fuckkkk thatttttt
How to be good at using vents in among us? 😀
1:21 "This is probably the hardest task in the entire game"
Me: But I get it first try every time
Zombie talking about how nobody sabotage comms
Me who the first thing I do when I kill tje body is sabotaging comms: 👁️👄👁️
At the navigation hallway, is a camera, that can see when you come out of the vent in the hallway, so it is dangerous
Why didn't you just make a different map with the vents on it? It's not hard to screenshot the map and draw lines. So why bother showing the map and explain what's wrong?
😱 my Among is name is Zombie as well and I love being pink lol
i can’t tell if he was joking or not about the navigation task being the hardest. you don’t even need to drag, you can just tap the middle
Tbh I dint really tend to lose on this map as impostor. Literally round 1, go wherever your accomplice goes, double kill when the opportunity arises. Sabotage lights doesnt matter where you are, kill stragglers.
Ask if anyone can verify anyone, if anyone isnt verified say you saw them kill the guy. Most of the time they will because you emphesise that if you dont vote you lose due to numbers. Thats 5 dead 5 alive, kill the last guy infront of everyone, doesnt matter game ends.
I was so sad and dead from inside when I saw his Sub Statistic.
Pro tip: if you are an imposter and a crewmate saw you vent and the crewmate heading towards to emergency meeting, sabotage the o2 or the rector so that the crewmate can't press the emergency button
wtf the nav task is hella ez
Good use for coms sabotage: disabling cams allowing you to kill and traverse easier because nobody can be suspicious of you entering weapons but exiting navigation. It's also good to fake tasks
”This is probably the hardest task in the game”
What’s hard about that tho? It’s one of the easiest
5:30 I use comms to kill when someone is monitoring cams
Stop complaining about your personal life 🤦🏼♂️
Get your color cyan /teal and your name purple
I also have one thing to mention, common tasks are the first 2 tasks when you start the game. If you see someone, for example, do the card swipe task in Polus, even though everyone has the keys & boarding pass task, then that person is the imposter, doing a poor job blending in with the crewmates. I say this because this information is especially important in this map, with the 4 visual tasks on this map, it can win you the game because there are too many ways to know who is innocent & who is not.
"It's prob the hardest task in the entire game"
???????????????? how
well electric room is a bit of a different story for me beacue i play with my friends and im known for always going to security to watch cams and sometimes i literally camp there the whole game so what i do is [see if someone is in electric> sabotage lights>kill someone>vent to security>go to cam area] and not be suss bc "i was in security all the time" and get away with it so its funnier that way for me
Advice: if someone is watching the camera, sabotage comms so the cameras disable until comms is fixed
comms sabotage is great for if you're faking a task that progresses the taskbar and you're playing with a group that actually notices that
The video I was looking for….
1:20 ya sure bro it is so easy for me
if you are at medbay and see the cam on you can close the door on security then vent to security and get a free kill
Why couldn't you fix the picture? I don't get it. You obviously put effort into this video, but you couldn't put a little bit more to fix the vent picture? I mean it's no big deal but it's kinda weird.
When Zombie said the nav task is the hardest I choked because for me the "calibrate distributor" electrical task is harder.
Btw, I am a new subscriber, thank you for the videos
And btw the comms sabotage disable the security cams and the task bar
Nice vid, got yourself a sub!
omg thanks! ive been looking for crewmates and impostor tips on one video!
You cannot call emergency meetings when there is a crisis happening (reactor meltdown, 02 thingy, comms and lights). If someone sees me vent, and my kill is still on cooldown, I sabotage comms because it does not blow up the ship, so it's not that urgent. It's also a really annoying thing to fix. Especially on iphone.
Are you from discord?
Nice vid bro you got my sub. Nice and informative
Love your commentary style.
1:20 the hardest task in the game
You need lightning fast reflexes for this task
What's hard on Navigation: Stabilized Steering?
Well made video, easy sub
Check out my gameplay!
If comms is sabotaged cameras and the tasks tab will be turned off
Dude You forget bout security, from my experience it's a good place to die. I know I die like 80 percent of my playthroughs
Idk if anyone else is like this, but I start to not wanna be the imposter because whenever I do I kill someone and no ones there. No ones on the cams. I'm at a room with no one in it. Someone reports body and says PiNk DId It!!! I ask why and they either say nothing refusing to tell me and everyone votes me out. OR they say something like last round I support purple who was an Imposter. Flashback to last round: Me:Me and purple found the body. It's ridiculous how they accuse you. (P.S. I'm almost always pink)
The first task is impossible everyone can agree right?
Group of 2 you’re dead too. Group of 3 yupee I’m free. Group of 4 double kill golore.
I just subbed lol
"It's probably the hardest task in the entire game."
Does it perfectly
The vent on the hall can be seen on cameras.