Among Us Tips and Tricks: THE SKELD

Zombie Rummager
Views: 170709
Like: 4982
A full, in-depth guide for both crewmates and impostors on THE SKELD. In my opinion, this is the least complicated map in Among Us, so I thought I would make this tips and tricks video about it AFTER the other two. Among Us is a game similar to mafia, where there are crewmates (innocents) and impostors (mafia). Among Us is really blowing up on Twitch right now, and I’ve been playing it a lot, so I’m hoping this guide / tips and tricks video helps some newer players!
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#ZombieRummager #amongus #tipsandtricks
Comms can be a useful sabotage when we have a clear target but there is a cam and someone is on cams so we can sabotage comms and cams will stop working and we can kill the target
The stabilizer can also be made by clicking in the center. No need to drag.
When sabotaging communications, the cctv is off and nobody can do any task. That can be useful to delay the team. But maybe not as useful as the other ones. Which are making it easier to kill sbd. It could depend on were you are and where you want people to go.
Me (innocent): *reports body that I found*
Everyone: *votes me*
I use comms sabotage just in case people check admin and they see that the person I'm with is gone assuming they died. As a crewmate I do the fast tasks first and then check for people. I always check the admin cams and when I see someone gone I go there and there's a chance they died.
98.6 of people are not subscribed that is insane to me. This is the first time I’ve seen one of your videos and usually I ignore when people say “x% of people are not subscribed” but 98.6% is absolutely crazy to me.
Anyone else think that admin card is easy
There are four visual tasks. Scan trash asteroids and shields
Dude the navigation one was so hard it made me pregnant 😳😳😳
98% percent aren’t subbed, dayum
Hatdest task in the game Mobile players ez
Zombie rummager: The hardest task is on Navigation
Me:Completes the task 00000000000.1 second
How are you?
Match I had last night: (I was impostor)
Blue: its green
Me: whats your evidence?
Blue: im in a discord call with pink
Green was the impostor
Any tips on how to be an impost not tips for imposters but how to get impost ive been playing the whole day and only got impost 2 times
Disabling comms disabled Admin and cameras, also hides tasks making it useful for when people are camping Admin or Security
98 percent aren’t sub to your vids that’s crazy
Imagine how much stress this guy has. School and youtube
Great fucking content dude
Unbelievable ❤️❤️❤️😭😭😍😍you are the only one who has presented 👍 in the best way 😭😭 thank you so much love from india
If you ever see someone named Archer22 that always goes right, pls don’t vote them, they do that every round 😂
Aye school is a good but bad thing aswell
Way too much fluff. Coulda taught everything here in 5 minutes.
I would just like to add aswell, a move I've done a couple times succesfully when reactor gets sabo'd is check admin to see if any players are in any of the far left rooms.
Comms sabo is good for cutting cams off, let’s you vent and kill more freely
I Subscribed
I have a tip for crewmates- If there are only four or five left the admin table would be very important so you can track if someone is absent in all rooms
cant everyone just move as a group?
66k views and only 3k subs?! I’m leaving a sub and if you’re reading this, you should too.
I'm addicted to this game, I play mobile
Just subbed
I have played quite a few games where comms sabotage was really useful to the imposters, sabotaging comms stops you from doing everything else you HAVE to fix comms and its kinda hard because you have to make the lines match exactly and it has a timer on it so itsthe most useful towards the end of the game
Why not just fixing the image instead of pointing out the mistakes ?
I love these vids about among us that are strats and stuff
Thanks for sharing despite the stress!
bruh no ones talking about how this guys been having fatigue and mental stress from college. You good bro? Hope u feel better buddy
Thanks, used it to make among us in minecraft xD
Tip for imposter sabotage Comms and when everyone is on top of eachother kill someone but don't report just pretend to be fixing the sabotage then when someone reports they won't know who it is because everyone is on top of eachother
The reason people aren't subscribing is because you ban them from your Discord. Man up and be fair to everyone instead of just those who suck up to you.
26 credits?!?!
wat tips are there
"This is the hardest task"
Mobile Users: Allow us to introduce ourselves.
Can u like not ask me to sub
coms cu5 off the cameras
I have a tip for an imposter: Don’t copy someone else’s intros
By far the easiest and most fun map.
This is my first time seeing your channel, but you are actually presenting quality content in a good fashion, instant sub.
Can more than one person get the submit scan task?
I don’t understand what the dummies are for. Maybe you can put them in good kill locations for imposter?