Among Us Tips and Tricks: THE SKELD

Zombie Rummager
Views: 170709
Like: 4982
A full, in-depth guide for both crewmates and impostors on THE SKELD. In my opinion, this is the least complicated map in Among Us, so I thought I would make this tips and tricks video about it AFTER the other two. Among Us is a game similar to mafia, where there are crewmates (innocents) and impostors (mafia). Among Us is really blowing up on Twitch right now, and I’ve been playing it a lot, so I’m hoping this guide / tips and tricks video helps some newer players!
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#ZombieRummager #amongus #tipsandtricks
Thanks for watching! Subscribe for more! I'm sorry for being a little more discombobulated during this vid, college has been CRAZY. More vids to come soon! Is there anything in this game you'd like to know more about? YOUR INPUT WILL HELP ME DECIDE WHICH VIDS TO MAKE IN WHICH ORDER! Let me know!
I searched for tips on maps and this is what i found… lmao
Me: sees notification
Also me: busts down the door frothing at the mouth YESSSSHH
Sabotaging coms disables map and the cameras. it is good for annoying players and forces low level players to get confused and to stop from their tasks. i use it as a time waster for my kill cooldown.
Great vid 👏
Hey Zombie Rummager, great work yet again! I had a few questions I was hoping you can answer:
1) In a 2 imposter game, is it possible for one imposter to close doors and the other imposter to sabo reactor, o2, and comms?
2) I heard the claim that from either a crewmate or imposter’s POV, you can see the vent open outside the field of view. I was wondering if you can test or confirm that to be true?
3) What are your personal thoughts on admin on The Skeld (or in general)? I personally have found it to be underrated since it can let you clear people based on where they were located in the map and allows you to spot vent kills especially on the left side of the map where security, medbay, and electrical are separated by the upper/lower engine rooms.
Hey-o just one quick thing I noticed was in your vent diagram there's a missing line from Reactor to the Upper Engine but other than that it's pretty good.
Make a guide for imp like when and where to kill. Also how will I clutch a 1v4 if all of them always group.
I have tips for impostor, if you are fake tasking and someone's watching you and waiting if task bar will move, sabotage the comms so task bar will be sabotaged and you good to go 😀
that graph u showed made me subscribe lol
You should upload gameplay videos!
good video zombie 🙂 nice job
Looks like this one blew up peepopogClimbingTreeHard4House
Do how to confirm crewmates on all the maps. Thank you.
These videos are super informative! I would love to see more tips and tricks!
I didn't notice your comment for input before, but I would really like crewmate tips and strategies. Like confirming other crew and checking on each. And imposter tips would be so helpful! Out of all tutorials of among us, I find your videos to be the most helpful and informative! Thanks 🙂
Thank you very much, pls do more videos, i subbed.
Do you know of any cheat codes like to put in the NAME bar