‘Canister Method/ Trick’ Tutorial Guide – Among Us

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Hey guys I’m back with another video, finally I get to explain what the ‘Canister Method’ is all about.
My Discord Server:
The ‘Canister Method’ is a MEME on my channel.
My Discord Server:
The ‘Canister Method’ is a MEME on my channel.
Basically The ‘Canisters’ “tell” you what to do.
Ex: Vote out imposters
In reality you just find out who the Impostor is and say “The canisters told me to vote out *insert color here*”
I created the ‘Vital Method’ which doesn’t work anymore
Now basically people use the ‘Vital Method’ as a Free Pass to vote someone out without evidence.
The ‘Canister Method’ is the opposite of the ‘Vital Method’, it’s where you tell people who impostor is without proof. I only recommend doing this when you KNOW who the impostor is.
You get me?
Thank you guys so much for 17K, when I hit 20K i’ll have something special for you guys.
until next time,
keep smiling,
– smilekay 🙂
The description said the Canister Method was a meme on your channel, but I talked to the Canisters and they said they weren't a meme
I am picking the Canisters' side since they never lie
I dont understand
breh voting off a teammate impostor
Dam that must be why I always it wrong when trying to use the vitals now. Used to actually work though
Does this actually work
do you like talk to them in RL or ?
Instructions unclear stuck my hand in a canister
how i dont understand
He was an Imposter Bruh
I wanna press dislike on this for being tricked cuz it is a meme (even though I never tried it), but I can't dislike it because of how good this video was!
Oh even somebody might think its trolling
how to I talk to the canisters?
Wait how to talk at them?
I still didn't understanding how to TALK to the canisters
Canister method is kinda fake.
Yo people pls read the description before dislike thats not cool
The canisters never lie
My mind is blown right now
Me after seeing it isn't really a method:
Me: canisters told me that it’s yellow
People: I don’t believe you, let’s skip
Game: ends
Yellow: haha I won
Me: wow canisters never lie
The canisters never lie.
Canister is life. Canister never lies.
does this trick work for phone also (or would i just be going insane?)
All jokes aside though- this low-key makes me sad :(( cause now I have a even more lower chance of winning Imposter :'D (jk) but actually I think 'The Canister Method' is actually just us following or communicating with our gut feel more :DD
I played a among us round but i had the task and i talked to them and they said it was brown but he was a crewmate. The canisters lied
Teach me sensei i will use it in a good way
I give the Like Back Because you got the Uno Reverse Card.
Meaning there is no canister trick it's just that if u know the imposter just tell the crew that the canister told them to gain trust
wait how
I used the canisters to lie as the impostor
Thx sooo much 😃
cant wait to see people try this ingame
Nice joke
Nice clickbait bro
How to speak to the canisters
I was excited for a newmethod, till i realized its a joke
Me:about to comment "how do I talk to the canisters?"
also me 1 minute later:looks at description
I try this method and speak to it I literally hear it's blue and on my mind is black so my final is black and then I saw blue and kill me I regret choosing black that the impos when I hear it's blue
Next: The Reacting Reactor
But wait… 3:10
At this point canisters are the only alibies i've got
Can you tell innersloth to add canister Statue to every map 😂
Guys, this is epico.
How to talk to the canisters
So there's nothing like canister method
I still don't get it
How will you know imp