‘Canister Method/ Trick’ Tutorial Guide – Among Us

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Hey guys I’m back with another video, finally I get to explain what the ‘Canister Method’ is all about.
My Discord Server:
The ‘Canister Method’ is a MEME on my channel.

Basically The ‘Canisters’ “tell” you what to do.
Ex: Vote out imposters

In reality you just find out who the Impostor is and say “The canisters told me to vote out *insert color here*”

I created the ‘Vital Method’ which doesn’t work anymore
Now basically people use the ‘Vital Method’ as a Free Pass to vote someone out without evidence.

The ‘Canister Method’ is the opposite of the ‘Vital Method’, it’s where you tell people who impostor is without proof. I only recommend doing this when you KNOW who the impostor is.

You get me?
Thank you guys so much for 17K, when I hit 20K i’ll have something special for you guys.

until next time,

keep smiling,
– smilekay 🙂


  1. Whoever thinks its real is an idiot he is playing with his friends

  2. but..how do i talk to the canisters?
    i am concerned that i am unable to talk to them

  3. You can really vitals to catch an impostor. The heartbeats detects how different the heartbeats are.You can use the canisters as well but I’m still confused.If there’s a task about the key thingy,call an emergency button then tell everyone what key hole got assigned from you, because the key holes are arranged one by one so you can catch the impostors lying.

  4. The people who hates and disliked and tried this method are people who didn't read the description

  5. alternate title:4 mins and 50 seconds confusion on a tutorial

  6. Algum br pra me explicar o que acontece nessa tática dos "canisters"? Kkkkkk me expliquem por favor

  7. Canister told me its brown
    Me:if this work i will be ultimate
    Game:Brown was the imposter
    Next game
    Me:so its cyan canisters
    Canisters: yes
    Me: the canisters work

  8. “Now since you’ve talked to canisters you know who the imposter is” bruhh🤣🤣🤣

  9. Lmao this is funny way to show the impostor without showing any evidence

  10. Ummm…I still dont get the method. If I talk to the canisters, how will I get notified? Will they call me?

  11. this video is a scam he is just literally cut the video playing his friends guessing and guess what you can't talk to canisters man this video is scamming people

  12. Intro be like: ↗️➡️↘️

  13. Obviously im gonna use the canister method to get randos out without evidence

  14. Hey, I read description, and there you mentioned, that Vitals Method doesn't work, but the method is working just fine

  15. How about the wires and sky told me for other maps

  16. I just asked the canisters in a match I just played. They said it was White and Brown but nobody believed me, but at the end of the game the only two people missing on the victory screen were White and Brown. The canisters don't lie!

  17. I thought the canister would show which player used how much oxygen…and then the imposters wouldn't use the oxygen. I was wrong. ;-;

  18. Petition to make canisters a visual task, with the canisters on the top left (or right not sure) dissappearing when the canisters are filled.

  19. Vitals still does work. It only happens after a kill though. The heartbeat will speed up. Even though I lost those rounds, me being on vitals was right. This took place of a series of 3 rounds.

  20. Repeat after me.
    The canisters never lie.
    The canisters never lie.
    The canisters never lie.

  21. Man double the phones double the hate or you get when you lie

  22. thanks for liking about the vitals and making me look like a complete bafoon in public servers! 🙂

  23. So I'm guessing this vid isn't legit. I wasted a whole good 5 minutes

  24. well i always use your another tricks which is using vitals and i always caught impostor . at first i was nervous , i afraid people will think wrong but then im more confident using vitals heh

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