Injustice: Gods Among Us | All Level Transitions | Around the World Achievement Guide

All the level transitions in Injustice: Gods Among Us. Doing every one of them will unlock the ‘Wrecking Ball’, ‘Tourist’ and ‘Around the World’ achievements/trophies.
Note that these CAN be done in Practice Mode.
A level transition is when you knock your opponent into another part of the stage, triggering a cutscene and causing additional damage. To perform a level transition, you first need to push your opponent into the corner of the stage. It can be the left or the right depending on which stage you’re on. Once you have your opponent in the corner, press ←+A on 360, and ←+X on PS3. You will then knock them into the next part of the stage if there is a level transition available in that corner.
Most of the stages have two transitions. Metropolis has 3. While Atlantis and Ferris Aircraft have no transitions. Below is a list of the stages and which corner of the stages the level transitions are on.
0:00 Batcave: Right → Left
0:38 Gotham City: Right → Left
1:13 Themyscira: Left → Right
1:51 Arkham Asylum: Right → Right
2:29 Joker’s Asylum: Right → Right
3:04 Insurgency: Left → Left
3:42 Watchtower: Left → Right
4:17 Stryker’s Island: Left → Right
4:54 Hall of Justice: Right → Right
4:31 Fortress of Solitude: Right → Left
6:08 Metropolis: Right → Right → Left (Tourist Achievement/Trophy)
7:01 Wayne Manor: Right → Left
7:35 Wayne Manor Night: Right → Left
Around The World 15GS/Bronze Trophy
Knock opponent through all transitions across all levels
Tourist 30GS/Silver Trophy
Send an opponent through all three Metropolis transitions in one fight
Why does it had to batsy smashing love
This video is missing the Fortress of Solitude transitions, unless I somehow missed it in the video
Arkam asylum is better
Do a barrel roll
He didn't do alantis
atlantis doesn't have one
+a what?
Batman took a detour
Poor my kitty 🙁
Back + A
Atlantis has no transition