Injustice Gods Among Us Character Guide – Green Arrow – Green Arrow Combos

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The dash is difficult sometimes any help or do i really need to dash to or without doing dash is alright too
U can also fire the standard arrows while in the air
awesome video. I started playing this game in preparation for the 2nd onr
Keep em coming Mitch. I'd like to see some Deathstroke. Your really good at fighting games I like coming here finding tips on my character you give better description than anyone else that don't know what they're talking about so keep it up guys 🙂
Is this game better with an arcade stick?
like most fighting games; Yes, An arcade stick will make things easier.
Come on gamefront were is the next guide?
do one on nightwing plz!!!
Thanks for the reply since I posted the comment I started using it. It does seem to make input commands, combos etc easier to do
Awesome this is my main great video.
wow awesome review. …subscribe
good vid man
Good video. I'm trying to let this be the first fighter I take online. So far I think Green Arrow the character I feel most Comfortable left. I'm just really bad at chaining combos together. Which is a bummer.
really helpful video.. thanks!!
can u make a deathstroke guide please?
I can do a 50% with green arrow ..very easy combo!
In this combo (4:23) I can not drop the ice arrow, press along with the A after the combo (X,X,A) or so and tighten?
Seems so easy in the video, but here is impossible. HAUHAUHA
how ?
Ice arrows are so important to him. I like to think I am more of an advance player and I suggest to not end in hurricane bow or stinger. End all combos with mmh freeze arrow reload. This does not let them roll away and leaves you in range to jump in and mix them up for another freeze combo with the arrow you stocked at the end of the combo.
Mitch makes this look so easy. Wish I was better at the game… :-/
you know i wish i saw this when i first started in this game but learning on my own was also fun. I also have more damaging options than wat is shown here but i never thought of doing one of the combos i saw on here, thank you sir
Practice makes perfect especially in this game 😀
I think you should do a videos more like this but you should post separate videos with ps3 inputs and Xbox inputs when uploading create to make it easier for people who can't get what you saying but still great tutorial.
The imputs on both versions are the EXACT same
Exactly. "Light", "heavy", "aerial" (although I would have used "jumping') — they're universal terms. No need posting two lists of inputs when everyone can understand one. Also, "1, 2, 3" is the preferred nomenclature for "light, medium, heavy", but we get the point. 😉 Also, it's nice to show the inputs at the bottom of the screen, for copying and such.
He says light, medium, heavy that's universal.
Green Arrow FTW!
Great video. I'm not much a fighting game person but this game is grabbing my attention.
I am a idiot so i figured the combos out
i feel like the damage per hit is the only thing that pisses me off
Arrow really needs a damage buff compare to other characters in this game with the same amount of hits in a average combo
I love green arrow
this is the best video about green arreo
Ur amazing at this game love green arrow and night wing
i have been waiting for these since i have heard about this game as the MK ones wer amazing
best person in the game!
in the first combo, i cannot get the 11trait to land after the aerial3. hes already on the ground before GA starts swinging
Amazing vid, really helps when just starting out. 😀
Wassup bruh im a hugh fan of this series.. I actually got better at mk9 because of you.. Thanks for helping me and the fgc out
hurricane bow.
Ollie is amazing. Some of his combos are kind of tough, but this was the most user friendly guide. I prefer simpler combos I can do multiple times than a long chain I MIGHT luck out with if it connects.
please make a green lantern one
One way to counter GA's weakness of having to load arrows is to link the loading as a combo ender.
For example, instead of ending a combo with hurricane bow or the slide, end it with loading an arrow. You do less damage, but I think the benefits are self-explainitary