The Wolf Among Us – Missable Fables guide (Episodes 1-5)

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in this slightly over 11 minute video i’m going to show you how to get all of the missable fable entries in the game.
if this video helped you hit like, if you want to see more from me hit subscribe, and if you want to leave some feedback feel free to. and as always have a great day.
if this video helped you hit like, if you want to see more from me hit subscribe, and if you want to leave some feedback feel free to. and as always have a great day.
Great video helped me a lot, thanks for the upload.
Thx 🙂
Catch a "like" my friend… Awesome, helpful video 😀
ty was a great help
Make sure in episode 2 chapter 3 you examine the well before you examine the body.
Thank you so much, this really helped and made it a lot easier for me to find the ones Id missed 🙂 <3
Having serious probs on getting the fable in episode 4, the guys are fighting eachother and I don't have the option to look around :/ I went to the butcher shop first.
Mmm i only need one more and thats in the interogation with Dum or dee and treat him nice….. so far i blow smoke in his face and Tighten the grip and broke a bottle on him lol
Cheers man.
Word thanks
Why do u have to create a new save file?
thnx for 300 gamerscore
Wouldn't it be chapter 1 episode 5 not episode 1
thanks for the help!
thank you so much you still on youtube bro
Awesome guide! If I may give you a tip. You should write down which Chapter you're playing, that will make it al lot easier. 🙂
Same thing for me the trophy doesn't pop after I left the tree go in chapter 3. My first play I burned the sum bitch. How long did it take for yours to pop?
Amazing thanks for 1000 gamer score.
Nice guide thanks!!!!
You dont have to walk away from Georgie! If your only missing one fable from Chapter 5, it's probably the "Cut the Shit" option with Bloody Mary. There's no "special fable" for walking away from Georgie. You can get that same fable by putting him out of his misery…
It's not giving me the one where I let snow talk. Wtf?
I hate ripping off Grendel's arm as I felt sorry for the guy since I read the novel 'Grendel' and the fact that all Grendel wanted to do in this game to be left alone and be treated equally.
Thank You! Took me nearly 2 hours to do…
Thank you for the guide! I wouldn't have gotten the platinum without it.
Really helpful. Thankyou
Thank you!
Very helpful, thank you so much!!
Omg you're q legend man 🙂 thanks so much for taking time to make this video it helped me out a ton!
for the book of fables in episode 4 you said you have to complete all of episode 2 did you mean start episode 4 from start because im confused. what does episode 2 have to do with the hidden book of fables in episode 4?
How do you do the rewind thing ??
Really helpful, thanks! 1000G
yay got it
In episode 4 you can get all the books in one go, if you go to Lucky Pawn first
Thanks to your guide i have 100% completion
how do you copy the save file?
Hey man. Did you choose to pay Nerissa in Episode 2 or not?
Thank you so much. You're the guy. Now I just need one Book of Fable from Episode 2. What if I run Episode 2 three times each time pressing just one button? Do you think it's clever?
Thanks man, thanks for my Platin
thanks man really helpful
Thanks for the help man
Thank you
Thanks Dude this helps a lot I Subscribe
wait so do i have to finish the game twice or can i skip to chapters
Can someone tell me what the hell am i doing wrong. I can't do the one whre i need to make dee talk not punching him!! I can't get my platinum because of that!
Winter wolf?
Thank you for your video.
Thanks for the help man