To The Point: ‘Among Us’, How to play Crewmate (and maps)

Leave a comment below for the next tutorial you think I should make
Hopeless Idiots Discord:
Created with the help of the Hopeless Idiots:
Streamed on Thursdays @
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Crewmate Tips:
Start minute long tasks first
Complete visual tasks only with others
Stick with those who are confirmed crewmate
Common tasks – look for out of the ordinary
Stop the sabotages asap!
Check in on crewmate pairs
Report bodies immediately
Check on vents behind walls
Remember the Tipping point!
Stay on topic
Dont hold grudges (every group has an exception)
Map tips:
Skeld – Crewmates – stick together, easy win!
Skeld – Imposters – Kill quick! Dont let them get together
Polus – Crewmates – be wary of the vents and corner tasks
Polus – Imposters – Abuse the wide open map
Mira – Crewmates – beware the vents, stick together
Mira – Imposters – ABUSE THE VEEEEENTS
Maps: – Skeld –
Mira –
Polus –
Credits for creating Mira and Polus maps:
Official Among us Discord:
Final Track – Daybreaker by Waterflame:-
0:00 Intro
0:51 Crewmate Tips
3:42 Crewmate Discussions
5:51 Map Tips
Do the "If it isnt him vote me out" trick
especially with confirm eject off lmao
I once played a game and I was imposter and I didn’t kill anyone i was with one person to be my “friend “ and if the accused me I would hav my “friend” back me up I didn’t kill anyone and kept sabotaging until all of us died😂😅
Thank u sensei
Great to see the Eyetoy guy is back with new tutorials
imagine not playing with visual tasks off
Lol its funny how cyan is in the class cus he's always sus
In a nutshell this video says dont die and let the other people work for you
i just watched this and now i am going to be master crewmate
another tip most forget about on skeld,
when in doubt, vote purple
Emergency Task Is not a Task
Imposter Made them!
I know Cuz Im Orange!
I literally love this channel
I have a vis about the same topic
This is school I would actually go to
Being stacked as two
7:44 rest of the people got bored
Ay, so you also watch Kaif's videos!
To The Point seems quite sus to me, he seems too good at the game. 🤔🤔
“That’s it! Now your a master……if u listened carefully…
Or literally, stay in the cafeteria and do nothing for the entire game. Lol. So, you can actually be innocent. The cameras will tell you.
Just wanna say, you'd be surprised to see how dumb some imposters are.
I have to risk playing with randoms everytime…… Nobody will invite me to play with them so I…… Uh
I have to risk playing with randoms everytime…… Nobody will invite me to play with them so I…… Uhhhhh…….. I thought I had a point to prove but now I just look dumb………..
As usual
Imagine they make a To The Point mask! To The Point, your commentary and tips always help me and my mood get better 🙂
As impostor on Mira HQ sabo reactor pretend to wait for people to come and help you fix it, if more than one person comes go over to reactor and fix if it's one person stab them, vent away then start walking back to reactor and act surprised when the corpse is found.
1:50 he completed card 1st try, he is a god
After watching all the tips,
I am the Master Crew-postor
omg i’m im the back i’m pink with balloon
Me: it’s yellow
Person: I think it’s red
Me: ..really?
Person: they’ve been sus the entire time
i don’t know, yellow was with the dead person the whole game and they’ve been seemingly teleporting…but this person feels it’s red….
Me: vote red
[red was not the imposter]
Do i ear WATERFLAME!!!
I love his voice and I don't know why.
Why are you dressed as my schizophrenia pill
ur tutorials are awesome
I see this channel hitting 1million subscribe soon..
There aren't enough crewmate tip videos. Thanks for this!
You forget while in admin you can see if someone is in the vent to that room
You can do this by seeing if the players match up for example if you are the only visible but admin says there are two in the room someone’s in the vent
This man's accent, idk but daaaang
Always do all electrical tasks first, because impo's always kill there.
This guys voice OMG
Teach me my master!!!!!!!!
Sorry but who tf plays with visual tasks on?
Where did you get those map photos?
I ALWAYS get voted off for no reason it’s dumb I’m starting to want to delete among us at this point for example just now I went to admin map and watched it there were 2 people at electric and I saw a vent on the map and went there to check who was there and I told everyone who was there and voted off green and then later brown thought it was me for apparently being sus when I wasn’t I fixed o2 and did tasks etc but no one believed me, and someone who SAW me fix o2 didn’t back me up and stuff like this has happened multiple times And I’m starting to get annoyed and mad and I want to delete among us
Anyone else ALWAYS getting killed first?
gosh I just want to finish my tasks
Among us is underrated
rip my hand from taking notes ;-;
"I'm sexy"
This man has the voice of all male’s dreams