To The Point: ‘Among Us’, How to play Crewmate (and maps)

To The Point
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Mastering Among Us as a Crewmate, with bonus map information.

Leave a comment below for the next tutorial you think I should make

Hopeless Idiots Discord:
Created with the help of the Hopeless Idiots:
Streamed on Thursdays @
My Twitter:

Crewmate Tips:
Start minute long tasks first
Complete visual tasks only with others
Stick with those who are confirmed crewmate
Common tasks – look for out of the ordinary
Stop the sabotages asap!
Check in on crewmate pairs
Report bodies immediately
Check on vents behind walls
Remember the Tipping point!
Stay on topic
Dont hold grudges (every group has an exception)

Map tips:
Skeld – Crewmates – stick together, easy win!
Skeld – Imposters – Kill quick! Dont let them get together
Polus – Crewmates – be wary of the vents and corner tasks
Polus – Imposters – Abuse the wide open map
Mira – Crewmates – beware the vents, stick together
Mira – Imposters – ABUSE THE VEEEEENTS

 Maps: – Skeld –
Mira –
Polus –

Credits for creating Mira and Polus maps:

Official Among us Discord:

Final Track – Daybreaker by Waterflame:-

0:00 Intro
0:51 Crewmate Tips
3:42 Crewmate Discussions
5:51 Map Tips


  1. I always use the "if it's not me, then vote insert color " if they don't trust me and votes me

  2. Me being the extra researcher I am: Writes everything down and draws the vent-pathways for good measure
    Random person: What’re you doing?
    Me: Homework

  3. I love in the beginning when Orange kills in front of everyone, they vote White XD

  4. as an crewmate: using brains follow people for using the visible task

  5. can everyone confirm that white always accuses and everyone listens, and purple never does anything the whole game or is this just a weird coincidence i come upon every game

  6. Omg. Thank you so much. Your voice is sexy af and this video is so knowledgeable. I wish I could take you out on a date

  7. Why didn’t you talk about cams or censors? I have won half of my crew games because of them

  8. Nobody:
    Absolutely nobody:
    YouTube ads: it’s a mind crunch ahhhhh
    Also YouTube ads: Booooorn free
    Also YouTube ads: Muhammad rice

  9. know thy enemy and know thy self and you will win every battle

  10. He's saying the crewmates humans like the impostors are some sort of alien creature

  11. How to win Mira as imooster:start reactor sabotage IMMEDIATELY they can't stop it because they have to go through disinfection first

  12. can you make a tutorial about convincing crewmates

  13. It’s proven, the theory of imposters taking the shape of crewmates, and are aliens, is true

  14. This is very helpful! I used to fail as a crewmate, But you saved my day! And yeah maybe you should make some memes of Among Us!

  15. Admin swipe card i saw someone "fakeing it" and i didnt have it but he was crewmate?!

  16. To me everybody who kills me infront of my pet is called stan so okay

  17. Are you referring armless rubber suits with a single bone inside of them for humans?

    Also thanks for the tips 🙂

  18. Lone Kills are bae

    Use admin, find loners, stab stab

    Jump in vent when kill ready, jump stab jump

    Kill timer stops in vent

    Closer to vents the better

    Dont kill those you've hung around a lot

    Drive by kills, Double kills, Stacked kills, and Spawn kills are so delicious

    Kill those proven innocent and leave alive the idiots

    Dont just run around, pretend to task

    If down to final 4, lie on emergency meeting and eject, then kill

    Always fix sabotages


    Discussion tips:

    Don't overtalk unless you're Goldwyn

    Let idiots argue

    stall for time, jokes are good

    Don't kill your imposter friend, buuuuut do sometimes

    Don't try and get random innocent crewmates out, have proof or a reason

    Have a plan Stan!

  19. Why did I think the picture was Asprin when it was a pin

  20. I once came across 3 bodies in a row and spotted the killer, but everyone accused me of self reporting the bodies…

  21. I feel like I'm watching a youtuber just before they become famous

  22. I love these videos they're informative yet extremely funny to me

  23. Great vids, no misleading channel title, quite literally to the point.

  24. 1:49 i don’t understand what is meant by “common tasks”? Is it only those that can be done fast?

  25. Technically The Skeld would have 5 visual tasks, since trash can be used from cafeteria(trash) or oxygen(chute). Sorry if I'm wrong.

  26. I actually caught a killer by chasing after them then calling an emergency meeting

  27. finally a video on how to win as crew mate i always get accused without any proof and i wondered why

  28. Great video, but when there are 2 imposters wait till 5 to eject not 6

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